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Zach's P.O.V. 

What are we going to do. Ava's missing and Jack's nowhere to be found. He should be back by now. I mean I get he was pissed. But it's like noon. I'm starting to get worried for both their sakes. I wish he would just get over himself for one second and come back for Ava. You know what I'm getting the boys and we're going to go find him. I don't know how he's feeling at the moment because this is about Ava not him. 

Ava's P.O.V. 

Me: Please don't leave me here alone. 

Jack: * stares down doesn't make eye contact * 

Me: * breathing gets faster * You c-can't, -I-I- don-'t- tr-tru-trust-the-them. 

Jack: * looks up at me * I don't either. But I can't let them hurt you. 

Me: I can't. * tears start to build up in my eyes *

Jack looks at me guiltily but hugs me and rubs my back so I don't have a panic attack. I calm down. He kisses my forehead for us to be interrupted by the leader of the gang approaching from the door with Burger King.  He smiles like he knows something I don't. Even if he did I don't want to find out. He put the food on the edge of the bed. Then just stares. I of course being me snuggle closer to Jack as his grip tightens. 

( Jacob ): * smirks * So Jack ready for today. 

I look at Jack with pleading eyes. I don't want him to leave me here. 

Jack: * sighs * Yeah. 

I look down and the tears fall. 

( Jacob ): Don't worry Ava, I'll take care of you until Jack comes back. 

I look at him with eyes that say everything. I had anger and fear in them. 

Me: I can take of myself. Thank you. * gritted teeth *

( Jacob ): Hurry an eat Jack because you'll have to be going soon. * winks at me *

Then the creep leaves. 

( A/N Hey loves, I've had a rough day already but I'm working through and doing what I love. Writing chapters to you guys. Thanks for reading and voting. It means a lot. Just thank you. )

Question Of The Day: What's your favorite flower and why. 

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