chapter 6

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i dont know sbout you guys but did i already update this chapter?........


**Brittney's POV**

The car ride so far is boring, Sarah and marc are discussing things to themselves and James is fast asleep his toys spread across the car seat. I've never been in a car for this long and my legs were cramping up..... I also couldn't help but find that tiny excitement in the pit of my stomach but the moment I thought about it, it would be overcome with nervous butterflies rushing and filling my stomach. I wonder if there house is big or small but most of all I wonder if they will treat me the same as my mom and Stephen. The silence was leading to the thought of them, I'm so glad that my life is rid of them, but is it bad to wish that your family was out of your life. Thank god that marc broke the silence or I would be an inch closer to going insane.

"Well were half way there, but it's a little late why don't we stop for the night?" He asked pulling off an exit from the highway, with shops and hotels. Some were not the safest but others were the normal. Marc kept driving till I almost thought we were going back to the highway, but through bunches of trees a blue tall building appeared and getting a closer look at it.... it's made of glass. It had to be very expensive just to stay one night. Marc turned into the parking lot and parked in the spot closes to the door.

"Alright I have to pee so bad..."Sarah said rushing out of the car and into the hotel, marc and I laughed.

"Can you grab James for me while I grab the suitcase and check us in." marc said

"Sure" I got out of the car carefully watching my back and walked around the car to James carefully unbuckled him and placed him on my hip walking behind marc to the entrance of the hotel. The doors were a lighter blue than the rest of the building with silver large door handles with deep detailed curves. We walked in and I nearly tripped at the beauty of this... grey pillars, chandeliers in the shape of 4 tier cake upside down. Tiled floors, with a little section in the center with black and white chair and couches, in the back is the bar lit up blue and the far end of the room glass staircases. The front desk was off to the right of the front doors were we walked in.

"wow" I whispered but marc heard me.

"Yea nice huh? My friend owns it." he said walking to the front desk placing the suit case down, "one room with two beds please Nicole."

"Alright marc, here you go and how long are you staying here?" Nicole said, her black hair was slicked back into a high pony tail her face pale her eye rimmed with black liner and red lips, with a solid blue dress on.

"Just one night, thank you, hun." He took the hotel key and picked up the suitcase and walked to the little section with chairs and couches and sat down. I just stood swaying from side to side, my back starting to hurt. Sarah walked out from a little hallway beside the lit up bar and stopped in front of us holding her back. Marc looked up at her and sighed...

"Getting tough huh?" he got up and walked to her kissing her forehead and rubbing her back soothingly, I looked away admiring the beautiful cake like chandeliers.

"I just need some sleep shall we?" Sarah waved her hand to the stair, but as I got closer I saw the elevator under the turn of them. We headed up to the room, we got there it was about the size of my whole apartment with a bathroom. Black and what design with a desk and tv. I gently lay James down on the plush bed, stretching but suddenly stopped as my burns itched and tingled, sighing.

"Here you go," marc tossed a bag at me, and I caught it. "Your inhaler is there, take one of the tablets." He took his shoes off and stretched out next to Sarah. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, my hair was a bit messy and there are bags under my eyes. Getting one of the plastic cups and filling it with water and taking the pill, then reading the instructions using the inhaler. I walked out and everybody was fast asleep... I don't think I can sleep tonight, with that thought in my head I grab the hotel key and walk out for a little stroll.

**Connors POV**

The house was completely empty, no one was home and I am bored out of my mind. Realized I lost my phone while me and Paul were trapped I used the house phone to call Alex.

"hey whats up, how did it go?" he asked

"well... we kind of got kidnapped but we ended up kicking their asses anyway." I said with a little laugh.

"wait who kidnapped you hunters?" he said heard some yelling on the other end "just shut the fuck up!" he yelled

"well....uh yea" I said rubbing the back of my head no one really knows the truth. "Your parents fightin again?" I asked worried.

" yea I'm coming over" I heard him lightly growl then he hung up the phone. I was so bored.... Then Alex came bursting into my room only having gym shorts on.

"Dude im so done with those people!!" he yelled slamming his fist against the wall creating a huge hole... thanks dude!

"what were the fighting about now?" I asked walking over to him

He looked me dead in the eyes furry and pain flashed through them. "not now" he mumbled walking over to my dresser.

"no dude we said we quit" I said putting a restraining hand on his shoulder

"I need to" was his response

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