Chapter 3

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why hello there!! thanks for reading, i know this is short but theres a good cliffhanger at the end!! and i will wuv u for ever if i could get a comment!!

enjoy!! <3


Brittney woke to the sound of a child laughing, and the sound of a toy rolling on the floor. Slowly she opened her eyes, she was still in the room she was before and the oxygen mask was still over her face. She turned her head to the side to find there was a child probably 3 or 4, playing with a toy truck. The same man from before was smiling down at him, Brittney could only wish for someone to look at her the same way. She shifted only to have pain shoot through her spine and her to groan loudly. The man was next to her bed holding her hand asking what was wrong.

"My... back" Brittney choked out. She lies back down and tries to block out the pain.

"I'll call the doctor" he walked to the door and shouted for a doctor to come and help. A nurse came in and looked at the monitors, than looked at the IV bag connected to Brittney's arm.

"I don't think you need any heavy pain medication, but I will get you something a little less strong after you had some food." The nurse said, Brittney read her name tag and it said Lisa.

"Thank you" Brittney found that her voice was a little stronger than before. She was hoping to get out of here soon, and just go sleep without so many machines connected to her. Lisa left and the man came over, she noticed another person in the room, it was a woman with a pregnant belly, in a plaid dress that went down to her knees.

"Brittney I'm Marcus, but you can call me Marc, this is my wife Sarah. I don't know if you remember but I'm your biological father." He said with hope written on his face, Brittney vaguely remember those days when her mom was not drinking and they were a happy family, that is until her mom cheated on him with Stephen. Brittney still had one question on her mind, why didn't her dad take her in instead of letting her live with her awful mother?

"Hi sweetie this is your brother James, he's four." Sarah spoke up from behind Marc, she seemed timid at first, but stepped out and held Brittney's hand. Brittney's heart twisted in her chest, she had longed for this motherly affection for as long as she could remember. Lisa came back in and put the tray on the table that could be moved to be hover over the bed.

"Ok, so just eat slowly and drink the water in between bites. Your back got a little burn so it will be a little hard to move around." Lisa went to the clip board and scribbled something on the page. "Looks like you'll be able to go home tomorrow after doing some stress tests. Shouldn't be a problem and some police officers would like to talk to you as well. I'm only allowed to let one person to be with you when they come in." she smiled and looked to Marc then back at Brittney.

"Marc can stay, thank you." Brittney whispered looking to the other side of the room, she wasn't use to this kindness, and it made something spark in her stomach, she couldn't recognize it. Brittney turned back to the food and lifted a sore arm to the fork on the faded red tray, she scooped up some of the green beans and put it in her mouth, it tasted really good, better than what she's had for a long time. Then she took a sip of water, someone cleared the throat coming from the door way, Brittney looked up and saw it was a police officer in his dark blue uniform and belt full of the intimidating equipment.

"Hello there, I'm Officer Brian, and I'm here to ask a couple of questions for Brittney." He said strolling in the room, his shiny black boots thudding on the floor. He pulled out a flimsy chair and sat beside Brittney's bed.

"Marc, James and I will be in the cafeteria, call me when you're done." Sarah said picking James and placing him on her hip. Brittney got a closer look at Sarah; she looked like she was in her early 30's and had short dark brown hair. A soft young looking face, she had hidden dimples that showed up on her face when she smiled. She is very tall, like those basketball players she sees on the TV. She left the room with James, as Marc takes a seat on the other side of Brittney, giving her an encouraging smile.

"So, Brittney, I just want you to tell me what your mom and Stephen did to you before the fire. You can take your time there is no rush, I just need it for the report. And when you're done I will tell you the court date. It's nothing to serious you're not in trouble its just to help with a new law." The officer says; pulling out his leather bound note pad and a miniature pen. Brittney tells him what happened without look up from her lap were her hand are neatly folded together. Her minds buzzes and wonders away once she finishes the telling what happend, the officer talks to marc about getting her a therapist once she comes home. Brittney eventually falls asleep.

Connors POV ***

I lost my appetite as I kept thinking about my mate, my wolf whimpered. I may have heard him wrong, you never know. because I'm sure my mate would be all over me when we met. Ya, I miss understood, I thought to myself as I walked to find Paul I saw him in the same place before only surrounded by very buff men in all black. They all looked like body builders, and as soon as I see Paul hunch over preparing to shift into his wolf I'm running over to him jumping up and shifting in midair. I lock my eyes on one of the men and land on his back easily ripping his throat out then moving next to Paul. He changed into his wolf and we stood back to back, the only problem was the other men-5 men- they didn't change what so ever.

'Paul, what are they?' I asked through mind link.

'hunters' he growled and launched himself towards one of the men. The man next to him reached behind his back and pointed a tranquilizer gun at him and shot him with it. I snarled and pounced at him, then heard Paul's whimper. Out of the corner of my eye I saw another man point the tranquilizer gun at me and say

"nighty, night little pup" with a sickening, evil grin he pulled the trigger, and I felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder then everything go dark.

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