Chapter 4

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hey thanks for all who are reading my story, i hope you like it!! 

also it you liked it in brittney's POV better then the third person then leave a comment on what you think!! thanx !! 

**Connors POV

I woke up with a headache, and my ears ringing. I could barely hear people whispering my name; I just didn’t want to wake up yet. All of the sudden I felt a steel toed boot hit my stomach; the blow caused all the air to be force out of my lung.

“WAKE UP!” someone yelled, with a sigh I opened my eyes to see I was in a damp, moldy, dungeon like cell, and a guy standing above. A growl ripped through my chest and up my throat, I tried to get up but a wave of dizziness hit me hard and I fell right on my butt.

“What’s the matter little pup, can’t come attack me!” the guy snickered. He had on dark old wash jeans, a black shirt and a leather jacket over that. His skin was really tan like he spends time with the Jersyshore cast, and was plenty buff. To other people he probably would look intimidating, but to me he looked like a wussy. If I had the strength I could rip his throat out in a second.

“Well I came to tell you Felix is on his way and wants to talk to you and your little helper.” As he said this he pointed to the corner of the cell and I saw a sleeping Paul. “and if you play nice we might just let you go free with minor injury” an evil laugh came from behind him but it was too dark to see.

“I got it from here, Alec” the voice said. Then a huge man came out and hovered over me, not him again. “Hey there Conner, how’s it goin?” He asked pulling a chair out of no were and straddling it backwards.

“I don’t have any if that’s what you took me here for.” I said, crossing my legs and leaning my back against the wall.

A smirk came across his face “there’s a reward out there for you, some of those rouges want you dead.” He said standing up, forcefully tossing the chair across the cell, squatting down next to me, and looking me in the eyes. “I want those drugs, or I will not hesitate to kill you and get that reward.” He patted the top of my head and walked out of the cell. I could hear him walking up the stairs, and the creaking of a metal door, being opened then closed. Rage bubbled inside of me, I guess your past can come back and bite you in the damn butt.

‘Paul get up!’ I yelled through the mind link, were going to break out of here.


Brittney’s POV (not the third person)

I jumped awake a cold sweat broke out throughout my body and I started shaking, why do the nightmares keep coming back? I looked around and saw Marc stretched out in the same chair and a cot with James on it, I saw a clock and it said it was 3:50 am. Sarah was nowhere in sight, I liked them but the question still bugged me why didn’t he take me in instead of letting my mom take me. I slowly laid back down wincing because of the burns, they felt better. The doctors said I can go home with Marc today, and that makes me really nervous, what if they treat me the same, I don’t think I can handle it anymore. I heard the door creak open soft foots steps. I just pretended to be asleep things were pretty awkward between Sarah and I; I don’t want it to get worse.

“Sweetie I know you’re awake,” I heard her say; I sighed and sat up slowly with a blank face.

“Where did you go?” I asked giving a small smile.

“Morning sickness gets you at the worst times” she laughed rubbing her belly. “Especially with twins it’s ten times worse.” She had a cup in her hand and she was taking slow sips, relief filling in her worried features. A muffled whimper came from James, a he slowly started to cry. Sara picked him up rocking from foot to foot, humming a lullaby. She looked at him so lovingly tears started to bubble in my eyes maybe she will look at me like that someday. James slowly started to get quieter until he fell back asleep.

“Now, before I got my morning sickness I saw you whimpering, and thrashing around. Do you wanna talk about that nightmare?” she asked setting James down gently and sitting in the blue plush rocking chair. Crossing her legs looking like she was prepared to hear a lecture.

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously “I’m kinda tired, and …” I trailed off, looking up into her eyes, she gave me a sympathetic smile “It’s ok to be afraid of something’s but there is no need to be scared of me, I will never hurt you. Neither will Marc, he loves you. He said he tried to get in touch with you a lot, why didn’t you answer?” she asked. The fact that he tried to contact me made my chest ache, my mom never let me respond to the letters or answer the phone.

“I wasn’t allowed to respond to them, my mom wouldn’t let me.” I said looking over at Marc, stretched out across the chair, head hung back, and his mouth wide open. A small smile spread its way across my face, “but it made my days better when he sent me those letters.”

“Good, he wanted to have custody over you but your mom fought everything to keep you. He tried his hardest to get you back, the court wouldn’t let him. That’s why we’re trying to get a new law published, to help kids in your situation” she smiled and a yawn escaped her lips and she pulled herself out of the chair and over to the cot. “Get some sleep sweetie we leave at noon an_”   I cut her off

“James can sleep in this bed with me so you can have more room on the cot” I looked up to see her face full of happiness and a grateful smile on her lips “thank you, I haven’t had much sleep.” She picked up James and brought him over to me, he was pretty small for a four year old. I scooted over and she laid him down in the empty space. Immediately he cuddled into my side, I have a brother, with that thought in my mind I closed my eyes and fell asleep with a smile on my face.  

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