The Girl and The Alpha, are Mates?

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ok, so this is a story i've been working on, i want ur opinion on weather i should continue or not. 

read away (make sure to coment ur opinion)

Chapter 1

She stands in the subway station with her worn out guitar, singing her heart out just so she can get some dinner for the day. Her name is Brittney. She’s a beautiful young girl only 16 and tomorrow is her birthday turning 17. She has blond hair with streaks of purple and blue, it reaches her waist in natural waves. She has striking blue eyes that are complimented with the little make-up she can afford. She’s tall, wearing an outfit of a pair of skinny jeans, and a plain white baggie t-shirt.

The subway station was musty and the air was hard to breathe in. Brittney could smell everybody’s sweat, perfumes, and colognes. She was singing against the noise of people rushing to their carts, getting on and off. The voice that came on over the intercom every five minutes was getting on her nerves. She checked her guitar case to see she had a total of ten dollars and one penny over a time period of 2 hours. That should be enough, she thought to herself. She grabbed the money stuffed it into her pocket, and gently placed the old guitar in its case.

She walked down the busy streets of New York City, looking for a McDonalds or some fast food place she could get from dinner. She found a Wendys and ordered a well-deserved meal. In case you were wondering she does have a place to live and somewhat of a family. She lives with her mom, and her mom’s boyfriend. They are always out late going to parties or something, only ever coming home drunk ready to beat the crap out of Brittney. Her mother always called her the ‘mistake of her life’. One tear streaked down Brittney’s face, she quickly swiped it away and continued eating her sandwich. She hated herself for making her mother feel that way. She could never find out why or what she did to deserve such awful treatment from her own blood.

Brittney was brought out of her thoughts as a boy about her age strolled in, looked around the room, and his gaze met hers. Brittney had never seen eyes like his they were different colors; one was dark brown and the other light grey almost white. He smiled, and walked over. Brittney didn’t want to talk to anybody, all out of fear of being more hurt then she already was.

“Hey” the boy said, sitting across from Brittney, his eyes never leaving hers, they were hypnotizing. “I’m Connor” he reached his hand over the table for her to shake. She hesitated but thought what the heck I probably won’t see him again, and shook his hand. It was warm and gentle but rough at the same time. And strangely enough, the touch sent sparks threw out her body.

“I’m Brittney.” Brittney said with a shy smile, her hand left his and she picked up the remaining pieces of her sandwich. She noticed he was wearing a black V-neck t-shirt that clung to his toned chest and biceps. She noticed a scar peeking out on his chest. She brought her gaze up to his face; he had long light brown hair that fell in his amazing eyes. Perfect pink kissable lips, with a little scar in the left corner, he looked as if he had been in a lot of fights.

“So Brittney what are you doing with a guitar in a fast food restaurant?” he asked with what Brittney could tell a flirty smile. She didn’t want to do this right now so she stood up threw away her thrash, grabbed her guitar case, then said “Non-of your business, now I have to go so bye” she said with a wave over her shoulder. She was proud of her boldness; Brittney has run into people like that while she was here in New York. She just didn’t want to get into trouble with anything.   

The place where she lived was a rundown apartment complex. The brick walls were grey and chipped, windows cracked and boarded up. Yet the people who owned it still sold or rented the apartments that were working. Brittney walked in and headed up the stairs to the fourth floor, she was exhausted and a little sore from the latest beating. She took out her keys from her pocket and unlocked the door. It groaned in protest and she caught the smell of alcohol and weed.

“Hello mom, Stephen” Brittney said really not wanting to hear the answer.

“Heyyy sweetieeeeee” Brittney’s mom slurred from the couch. There was smoke in the air that made Brittney choke.

“Bitch, show some respect and say hello to your mom” Stephen slurred, he came out of the kitchen and up to Brittney, blowing some smoke in her face. There was a tickle in her nose and she couldn’t hold it in, she had to sneeze. Unfortunately there wasn’t enough room so that she could turn her head, resulting in her sneezing right in Stephens face.

His face was scrunched in disgust and his eyes were close tight for a second. Then they re-opened with fury burning in them. Before Brittney was even able to think of his next move, his fisted hand came and made contact with her face. Brittney fell to the ground, her hands pressed to her cheek.

“Bitch! You will never do that again!” he yelled. He crouched down and pulled her hands from her face. Once again Brittney felt that horrible helpless and hopeless feeling. She let out a whimper as he stroked her sore cheek. “You know what I have a great idea what we can do, it will be fun I promise.” He whispered in her ear. Brittney thought that fun might just save her life, it will just be painful, and the hope is staying alive.

“Honey I’m tired do what you want, but don’t wake me up.” Brittney’s mom warned as she wrapped a blanket around herself and stretching out on the couch. Brittney was extra scared when ever her mom was not around to tell Stephen to ‘keep it down’, the beatings would get worse.

“Ok.” Stephen paused and grabbed Brittney by the hair, yanking her up. She could only yelp. “Now let’s go to my room and have a little chat.” He whispered dragging Brittney by the hair into the bedroom. This won’t end well, she thought. 

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