Chapter 2

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ok so im so happy with the results, i got 2 votes!!! thank you so much!!!!!! *happy dance* u guys made my day. pls keep reading trust me there is alot of twist and turns in this story. if you could comment and tell me what u think i would be so happy!!!! :) but anyways read away!!! <3 

**Connors point of view** 

‘Alpha Evans, my sources say the rouges are near New York City’ my beta Alex said through our mind link. I’m Connor, a werewolf and the Alpha of the smallest pack in the United States, but don’t underestimate us we have the best trackers and the greatest fighters. Mostly every other pack around the U.S comes to us to find rouges that have been messing around and causing problems within their pack boundaries. We have exactly 20 males in our pack and 13 females, may I also add that all of those females can kick my ass anytime. But anyways, I’m 19 and an only child, my parents and I were in a car accident, that’s where I got all my scars. I had to have the pack doctor work with the hospital to save my heart. Unfortunately my parents weren’t so lucky, they both died on impact. Right now we are finding some rouges that have been attacking the Silver Moon, I am running through the forest with my best tracker, Paul. We have scent trails leading into the big city so this might be difficult to fight them.

‘Paul, lets shift back and look through the city’ I thought through the link, slowing my pace and shifting to my human form. We pulled on spare cloths that we carried in our mouths. “So Alex said they were near the city, to me this is a perfect opportunity to site see” I said with a stupid grin on my face, what can I say I grew up around cows and farms, never been to a city before.

“Yea ok Connor” Paul said slapping my back. We walked out the forest and my eyes widen from the site. Even though there were yellow taxis everywhere, all of the lights and tall buildings amazed me. “Come on you look like a little puppy,” Paul rolled his eyes. My stomach growled signaling I was hungry; I looked across the street and saw a Wendy’s, mmm sounds good to me.

“Paul, I’m going to get some food.” I looked over and saw him leaning against the tree lighting a cigarette. “Those things are going to kill you one day.” I muttered hoping he didn’t hear me, but to my dismay he did.

“You want me to kick your ass again” he huffed, even though I was the Alpha he says I’m still young and need to learn my lessons, whatever!  With a warning growl ripping through my chest, I headed to the Wendy’s. I expertly dodged traffic and went in, immediately I smelled heaven with a hint of apples and cinnamon. Mmm… so good, my eye raked through the place landing on the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Might as well introduce myself, I thought. With a smile on my face and my eye never leaving hers, I forgot to mention, because of the accident I’m blind in my left eye. That’s why there different colors; I hate it because some people treat me differently, like it’s a big deal. I know how werewolves heal faster but due to the heart condition I have, I didn’t heal at all.

“Hey” I sat down across from her and held out my left hand. “I’m Connor” she hesitates but she brings her small hand in my large one. The sparks the went through my body almost making me shiver but I held it back, and her scent was intoxicating. I wounder why?

“I’m Brittney” she said softly continuing to eat her sandwich, her name was like sugar in words, so amazing. She was a wearing a plain white t-shirt that was too big, her long blond hair with blue and purple streaks cascaded around her soft face, there was a small almost unnoticeable tear streak down her cheek. What made her so sad?

 “So Brittney what are you doing with a guitar in a fast food restaurant?” I said with a smile trying to get to know what went wrong. All of the sudden she stood up and said “None of your business, now I have to go so bye” with that she walked away with her guitar. Hmmmm I wonder what that was about, but I have to admit when she said that it turned me on.

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