Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

***Brittany's POV***
When we got back to the hotel room Sarah put new bandages on and let me borrow a shirt and Marcs sweat pants, I was in a daze the entire time we all piled back into the car, James fast asleep with a toy car in his lap.

I'm a werewolf... I am a WEREWOLF... well this could take a while to get used to. I don't really understand much, but I guess I'll get better at running. Sarahs phone rings interrupting my thoughts:

"Hello" she sounded exhausted and I bet she looked it, I'm currently staring out the window, vived colors holding my attention as we speed by. I could hear mumbling, which was weird because the radio is on as well, it must be the werewolf thing!

"Oh, we just got into Tennessee, it should take us about two hours to get home and there's a storm coming." You could tell because the sky was an angry dark green. "Now what did you want to tell me?"

The person mumbled quickly. Sarah huffed "What was that honey, I'm pregnant with twins you need to slow down." she sighed.

The person mumbles slowly, and Sarah doesn't answer for a while. "Connor, (I froze and snapped my head to her with a little gasp, my skin buzzes just at his name) I'm not happy with you but I am very proud of you for doing that. But also I am very disappointed in you for even going to drugs." Marc swerved and his breathing picks up, my heart shatters for some reason I can't let anything happen to this person, Connor, but it hurt me and I can't help but feel like drugs and stupid things are always trying to ruin my life. "Marc calm down. We will be having a long talk with you when we get back especially Marc." She sighed again and turned slowly looking at me with question in her eyes. I nodded slowly, blushing, looking at my hands.

"See you soon Connor we love you." She hung up and asked if we could go to a rest stop and talk, besides I have to take my medicine. I grabbed the draw string bag the hospital gave me and walked in with Sarah, Marc had a sleeping James and a diaper bag. We walked into our separate bathrooms I went to the sink and took out my medicine, Sarah went into a stall. I took a look at myself in the mirror, I look like usual super stick skinny pale skin, pale blond hair with faded purple and blue streaks pale blue eyes, the welt on my left cheek was still there and less sore, a nasty greening yellow bruise still healing on my right cheek, I could be vampire, oh wait I'm some other mythical creature called a werewolf,I think to myself. Sarah walks out a little smile on her face as she washes her hands.

"So he's the one?" She looks at me. I start to blush crimson red, I don't really understand the whole thing, the pull. The tingling of my sink, at the sound of his name.

"Maybe I don't know, but he's into drugs I can't handle that." I look away not knowing what to do, that scentence brought a shooting pain to my heart. I need to not let him in, I can't trust what influences him, he could hurt me the same way my mom did, and maybe even Stephen.

"Oh sweetie, do you know what he did for him and his friend. He checked them into a rehab center, and they allow visiting after there first 24 hours there." She nudged me with her elbow. Knowing that made me feel different, but I just.... no I won't let myself get hurt. We walk back out and Marc meets us there outside a little fast food restaurant.

"Honey," Sarah batts her eyelashes. "Will you go get me some food, like hot sauce and pickles please" she held on to his arm looking into his eyes.

"How could I say no to you." They kiss. "You want anything" he looks at me but not really, his eyes glaze over, he hands James to me and gives Sarah the diaper bag.

"Go to the car, I'll get your food. Lock the doors and don't let anyone in the car." He ran back inside and we rush to the SUV. I buckled James in and headed to the other side hands sanked around my waist and I was shoved face first into the back of the SUV. I can hear James crying through the back window.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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