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" Jimin ah, I love you."
Jimin promised himself just some minutes ago that he'll not cry but hearing those words...the words that his ears were yearning for so long. It just makes him emotional.

He hides his face in older's chest and burst out into tears. Yoongi is a bit shocked by Jimin's sudden outburst. Smiling faintly, he strengthen his hold on him.

" It's okay. I'm here for you." It's a promise that he makes to himself and Jimin. He's gonna be there for him everytime he needs him from now on.

" Don't cry. I like your smile better than tears." He pulls Jimin back from his chest. Jimin expects Yoongi to wipe his tears with his hands but what he did next was so unexpected. He leaned over and kissed each and every teardrop. The soft lips flutter across his wet tear-stained cheeks.

" Better." He gave a contented smile after kissing all his tears away. He pulls Jimin into the bed with himself. Both of them lay there silently, listening to each other's heartbeat.

" You know I always dreamt about this moment. You laying here like this in my arms." He plays with Jimin's bouncy hairs, his heart is finally at peace now.
" Me too, hyung." Just one look at Jimin's face and he couldn't resist the urge to pepper his face with kisses. But he tries to stay sane, he knows things escalated quickly between them and there's a lot of explanation to do.

" Do you know why I never kissed anyone in high school ?" Jimin shook his head looking up at Yoongi's face for the answer.
" Because even when I tried to kiss anyone else, my heart would tell me that I was doing something wrong. I would start to search for your face in them. And that's when I knew that you were the one for me." This time Jimin is the one who leans forward, he catches Yoongi's lips by surprise in between his. His hand going over to his hairs and settle down there for good.

Yoongi chuckles in between the kiss. Jimin continues to hover all over him, his hands going back and forth pulling Yoongi's hairs.
" Slow down baby." The pet name only made Jimin purr in satisfaction, his happiness radiating from the pheromones he let out unconsciously.

" I'm all yours." Jimin parts away, gasping for air. His face red from embarrassment and blush.

" Say that again." Jimin whispers lightly, he plays with the drawstrings of Yoongi's hoodie to divert his mind from Yoongi's lips.
" What ? .... Baby ?" Jimin nods tentatively, he turned his head to the side to avert his gaze, but the sudden rosiness of his cheeks gave him away.
" You like it ?" Yoongi tries to look at his face but Jimin continues to hide his face in the pillow. The way he was just kissing the hell out of him a second ago and now he's being all shy and bubbly make Yoongi fall in love with him even more.

" You're my baby." He back hugs him, drawing his body back to his chest.
" Come here, I wanna hold you close." Jimin turns around in Yoongi's hold so now they were looking at an eye to eye level.

" Hyung."
" Yes, baby ?" It'll take Jimin some time to adjust to the nickname and not being a blushing mess whenever he hears the older calling him that.

" Now, you wouldn't go right ? You'll stay here, no?" Yoongi doesn't answer right away, instead he continue to make some humming sound as if thinking hard on something.

" About that, I think it's better if I go back." He's not saying those words in any kind of pressure, he has thought about it for long and finally came to this decision.
" But-" he knows Jimin wouldn't like this, it'd be hard for Jimin to deal with him leaving. But it's not like he's going somewhere far away, he's just moving back to his home and that doesn't mean that he'd not come here every day to meet Jimin and Haru.

" I know that we just confessed and that you want to stay with me longer, honestly I want that too. But I think the right decision would be for me to go back."
Jimin is still looking at him with pleading eyes to change his decision.
" We didn't got the great start, everything was so messy. So, this time I'd like to take it slow, we'll take baby steps." He wants to the things in the right order. He wants then to be like any other ordinary couple out there.

" I'd like to start by asking you on a date."
" D-date ?" He stutters.
" Yeah. Would you Park Jimin like to go on a date with me ?" He laces their fingers together, giving Jimin's hand a little squeeze to get him back from his head space.
" I'd love to." He beams from joy. He could easily say that this was the happiest day in his life apart from the day Haru was born into this world.

Although he's happy because of everything that happened, the thought of being away from Yoongi makes him a little upset.
Yoongi seems to notice this sudden drop in his mood so he cups his face in between his hands, giving his cold cheeks a little stroke.

" Don't get sad Jimin ah. You can call or facetime me anytime. I'm just a few blocks away, anyways. If you ever need me just text me and I'll be here."
" Really ?" He looks at Yoongi with hopeful eyes, in an instance he's beaming with joy again.
" Yeah, I'll be just one call away." He nuzzles his nose with Jimin's to which the younger let out the cutest giggles ever. Even though, Yoongi doesn't want this night to end he have a long day tomorrow and he needs to be well rested for it.

" I think we should sleep now. I'd need some energy to move those heavy boxes back to my apartment." His body let's out a yawn in response, his eyelids becoming too heavy to stay awake.
" Good night hyung." Jimin nestles close to Yoongi, sighing deeply as Yoongi's arms wrap around him protectively.
" Good night baby." He gave him a goodnight kiss on his forehead.

Just as he's about to fall asleep but he opens his eyes again when he remembers something.
" Oh wait, Jimin ah."
Jimin opens his eyes reluctantly, Yoongi's expression made him worry a little.
" I love you." He whispers with a cheeky grin on his face.
" Hyung~ stop." Jimin hits him with some light punches in the chest, he never knew the older was this cheesy.

Yoongi frowns a little when the younger doesn't say the words back, his face shows the expression of fake hurt.
" I love you too." Jimin finally says after he couldn't take anymore of Yoongi's act. It'll take him some time to adjust to this but it'll be okay. They'll be okay.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost into yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now