II. Döppleganger

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I cowered in the corner of the room, trying to avoid Her. She smiled widely at me as I was silently having a panic attack.

" Alice. How's it going? Come out. " Scared that she might get angry, I stepped out and got closer to her. She looked at me from top to bottom and exclaimed; " What awful clothes are those? "

" Er. They're called Skinny jeans. " I scrutinised her face very closely. " Why do we look exactly alike? "

" We look nothing alike Alice. Never have, never will. " she put her hands in her hair and brushed it on her shoulder, gasped when she saw the rouge hair that was entangled in between her fingers and lugged towards me.

An ear piercing scream erupted from my lips as she held my by the neck against the wall. My feet dangling in the air as she stared straight at me. Her eyes became blood shot red until I could no longer see her pupils.

" What did you do to me? Don't tell me I look just like you!" She snarled at me. I suffered to breath as her hold on my neck got tighter and tighter until I was coughing.

" Answer me!" She threw me towards the chimney and a pile of chopped logs fell on my left hand. I yelped , trying my best to stabilise my breathing. She walked towards me .

Her features become less like mine with every passing second. She gritted her teeth against each other . Her jaw ticked with anger and the veins underneath her eyes swelled up and were clearly visible.

I reached for the metal stake that was used to poke the fire. She grabbed me by my collar and glared at me . Just when she was about to say a word, I shoved it into her chest.

She dropped me and I took off , out of the door. Not taking a second to look back. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. I could see people watching me but I didn't care . I was running so fast, I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

I stopped by a lamp post and asked a man who was about to cross the road where I could find "The Purple Orchid." guest house and he immediately showed my the directions.

" Thank Yoooouu!!!" I yelled as I sped off to my only safety zone.

Within minutes, I was at the door. I pulled it open and ran towards my room door, unlocked it and jumped in.

" You Know, you really shouldn't run... " A voice said in the darkness. My heartbeat quickened again, but this time even faster. "... Or shove a stake into an old friend of your's chest. It's not really polite."

I turned on the light and there she was, her legs crossed as she casually sat at the edge of my bed with the stake still in her chest.

She noticed that I was starring at it so she grabbed it and yanked it out. Her flesh pulled out and blood trickled down from the wounds. But suddenly, the wound closed up and the blood stopped until her skin looked normal again. It was completely healed, and I was completely mortified.

I fumbled with the door knob , trying to open it without loosing eye contact because what I've learnt from CSI is that you never turn your back on a criminal, or in this case, another you.

She stretched her hand towards me and twitched it a little, and instantly, the door locked. I jumped away from it , practically lying on the dresser , I asked ; "Who are you? What are you? And why did you call me Alice?"

" If you aren't Alice then who are you?" She asked, completely ignoring my question.

" I'm Leah. Now answer MY QUESTIONS. "

She mumbled something under her breathe, which i didnt catch but i just ignored it. I guess we haven't had the best introductions.

you think.

"I'm Elanora. " she smiled at me.

Elanora. That's the name that girl from the club said to me. " Why do we look alike? Are you my clone? Or am I you'reclone? Tell me what's going on cos I'm freaking out. "

" You're not my clone, or I, yours. I'm sure it's a spell gone wrong , but it'll wear off but until then..." she took a pause. " I'm your döppleganger. "

I cringed at the words she uttered. My hands twitched as the words processed in my mind. Spells. Döpplegangers. Is she what I think she is.

" Are you a witch?" I blurted out without thinking. She titled her head slightly and mouthed "Yes. "

"So you're telling me that witches exist?"

" Yes. "

" Vampires and werewolves? "

" They did. "

" Fairies ? Elves ? Pixies? "

" Come on. Let's be realistic. "

"I can't be realistic, when none of this is realistic. I'm gonna have a panic attack right here, right now if you tell me mermaids exist too." I replied.

She laughed loudly, twirling her hair with her fingers. " Mermaids don't exist. Leah. If you don't want any confusion or trouble..." she stood up and approached me. "... dont tell anyone or else There are gonna be some , er what's the word?, repercussions. "

She trailed her nail up and down my throat. " I - I won't say a word t - to anyone. I promise. No one would know. I promise. " as soon as I replied Ro came in through the door and starred blankly at us.

" Wait. Twins? Or am I seeing double. I gotta sit down. " she sat on the floor and rubbed her temples.

Elanora mumbled something in another language and Ro instantly went unconscious. She turned around and glared at me.

" I promise no one other than Ro would find out. " I said quickly trying my best to avoid the repercussions.

" Let's just hope you can keep your word, because it'll cost you a lot more than just your life." She said and left through the door.

I released a breathe I didn't know I was holding. I picked Ro up , who was amazingly heavy despite her size, and dropped her on the bed. I plopped beside her .

A döppleganger. I guess I'll never have a normal, average teenage life. I sighed and tried my best to fall asleep ,but nothing worked which made me stay up for hours.

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