IX. Transcendent

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My heart beats quickened drastically, getting louder and louder until I could hardly hear my own thoughts.

There was no way I could explain what I did in Savannah's house on the day she tried to kill me but I would have never classified myself as a witch, let alone, half demon.

My ordinary life had escaped and given me this nightmare in exchange.

Elanora's eyes where still fixated on me. As if she was looking into my soul, reading my every thoughts. Learning all that she needed about me.

" Yes, you're a witch." She said, approaching me quickly , straightening her hair with her fingers. " but just a pathetic one" she spat at me.

I took one step back, but she was much too fast. Tangling my hair in between her fingers she dragged me out the door as I screamed not only from the pain of my hair being literally ripped from my scalp, but because of the fear I had. The fear of the abnormal part of me, her and how it could end me.

She finally stopped and shoved me into a room with only candles as sources of light. In the center of the room lay a black grimoire with tattered pages that looked old and used.

I tried to get off the dusty floors but I was quickly stopped as she stepped very violently on the back of my neck, causing my face to hit the ground.

" Leah, I'm old. As wierd as it seems to say that considering I look just like you, but it's true. " she lowered herself so I could hear her clearer. " I mean, my spirit is old. That's where you come in. "

She left me and went towards the grimoire. " What do you mean?" I said , raising myself up with my tired arms.

" Since you're a new witch. And you're only going through your first stages of our magic, your considered as a "transcendent " " she said, using her fingers ti make air quotation marks. " So basically, you're a power bank for us old and weary witches. "

She giggled, grabbing a small pot and came back towards me. Grabbing my chin in position, She removed the herbs from the pot and shoved it into my mouth.

" What is this?" I screamed , trying to pry her hands away from my face.

" Just a little acanite flower and maple ash. It won't kill you, it'll just paralyzed you, giving me enough time for me to complete the ritual. " she smiled that evil smile once more causing my innards to hop.

The paralysis took place quicker than I had expected. I lost control over my body in a matter of seconds. At this point, I was completely helpless. Screaming at the top of my lungs for my father to appear to no avail.

Elanora drew an infinity sign on the floor with chalk , pushing me into one of the spaces, and her in the other. I watched as everything went by, unsure of what to do or say.

Slowly, she began to chant in Italian. The words rolled out of her mouth quickly and accurately, like she had been speaking it her whole life.

" Poiché la potenza della sua crescita , lasciare che versa in me ." She began to pick up the pace, making me hear everyword louder amd clearer.

" Rinnovando la mia anima e la rende di nuovo giovane . Per grazia infinita nel mio mestiere." She swung her head back as a surge of power flowed through her, out of me.

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