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Just then, In the middle of the car ride, I realised that I had left the two people who helped me through my stay in this cursed place with the one person who wouldn't think twice about stabbing them straight in the heart.

" Stop Dad!" I shrieked, my heart was beating five times faster and my thoughts were racing , accusing me of betrayal. " We have to go back to Savannah's house. "

" What why?" My father questioned me , his eyes still glued to the road ahead. Hot tears began to roll down my checks.

" Can't you see? Ro and Anna aren't here. We-" I began to shake with fear and pain and sorrow. " We left them behind. "

I caught a glimpse of anger on my father's face but it quickly turned into one of determination as he replied; " Let's go get them back."

He did an illegal turning in the middle of the street and sped towards the direction of Savannah's house. I pulled out my phone and began to call Ro's number but no answer. I tried it again.

" Dammit, Ro. Pick up!" I screamed, trying the line once again. On the third ring, someone finally picked up.

" Ro, where are you guys? You have to get out as quickly as possible. " I hurriedly spoke but she didn't respond. I could hear her breathing but she said absolutely nothing. " Ro are you okay?"

" Oh, I'm perfectly fine but Ro, I cannot cannot say cannot say the same, my dear." My voice spoke back to me with a tinge of amusement . Elanora is back.

" What are you doing there, Elanora?"I snapped at her, causing my father to divert his attention to me.

" Cool down, puppy. I'm just.... Borrowing your friends. Besides, I would never kill a nymx. They're very important to us witches." She giggled on the line . " I'll be expecting you in three minutes. No more, no less."

The call went silent and a loud cracking sound filled my ears.

" What did she say?" My father asked but all I could think about was death. Elanora's death, at my hands. With the scent of her blood filling my nostrils.

" Leah! Leah, calm down. You have new feelings that you can't control, that demons only can control. You are new to this so don't let them control you."

" I don't care how new I am to this . I hate her. I just want to break her neck and rip her heart out with my bare fingers. That's gow much I hate her. She made me murderous! " My head was spinning.

The car stopped at the gate of a building I didn't recognise. I hopped out and dashed for the front door of the house, my speed more than normal , and within seconds , I was inside the huge building.

I started to recognise the interior design of the building and strangely enough , it made me angrier than ever. Before I could darted through the narrow hallways of the house, a cold hand gripped me.

" Leah, stop! You have to think about this. You can't just burst into their house and expect to come out with Ro and Anna unharmed."

"Let go of me! Get your hands off me." I snarled at him, bearing my teeth and scratching his cheek with my suddenly long nails.

My breathe hitched at the sight of blood rolling down his face, but this isn't the time to feel remorseful. I have to get Anna and Ro safely.

I shoved him to the ground and darted straight to the room where I had slept. The door was shattered and pieces of black liquid covered the floors. It reeked of death, but there was nothing in sight.

I turned away from the room and ran down the hallway to a meet a big black door.

Don't open it Leah. You need to get out of here, They aren't in there! My subconscious screamed frightfully at me. I avoided it's warning and pulled the door open.
Sure enough , Ro and Anna weren't there. Neither Savannah nor Elanora were there either. What was in there was far worse than all of them combined.

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