IV. Troubles.

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Mr. McKnight drove quickly, just as Anna had. I guess it was a family thing. The silence was deafening so I tried to turn on the radio but before my hands could touch the dial he grabbed it with his right hand and glared at me, whilst using his left to steer.

The feeling spread through me again and I pulled my hand away ,instantly. He seemed somewhat amused by my peculiar behavior but said nothing of it.

He turned his attention back to the road and sped up, passing the turning that led to the guest house . " You missed the turning. " I said nervously but he avoided me.

He kept on looking onwards. " How do you know Anna?" His voice sounded like the smashing of glass, it was no longer calm and serene like before.

" Though her friend, Ro. " I said hesitantly, making sure to pick my words cafefully.

" You mean her girlfriend Romelia" I cringed at the sound of Ro's full name. He already knows so why must I deny it. I nodded slowly.

We were now too far from my destination so I asked with worry in my voice, " Where are you taking me? "

" You know, Leah. There are somethings you dont need to know about . Things that my kind has buried away from people like you, so dont think I would hesitate to kill you because the smell of your blood alone, would bring joy to my heart. "

" What?" I screamed and pressed my back against the window. He turned towards me and starred me dead in the eye . His eyes flashed a light green then went back to their normal colour.

" The book!" He stretched out his right hand and jerked it forward twice.

" What book?" I asked , although I knew perfectly what he was talking about.

" Oh, Leah don't aggravate me. It'll take less than a minute for me to take your heart out. Now, the book?"

" I don't know what you're talking about, sir." I said as sweetly as I could possibly freign. He growled and bared his teeth at me, his sharp, thick, white, glistening teeth.

His features begun to change as he got angrier. Veins begun to decorate every corner of his face. His eyes darkened and his eyebrows created wrinkles around his eyes as he furrowed them.

" Give me the book, you vile human or I would torture you until you beg for the comfort of death. But death wouldn't come, just excruciating pain." My mind only provided me with two options; 1. Try to kill him (how?)  and 2. Jump out of the car.

As any abnormal human would do, I picked the latter , opened the door and sprinted out like a gazelle in the Serengeti. But since we were in the middle of the road , I was almost knocked down twice by a salon car and a minibus as I darted towards the sidewalk as quickly as possible.

I immediately came to a halt when I noticed the absence of an object in my hands, I left the box. I cursed inwardly and I turned around, only to see Giuseppe turning around on the wrong lane and entering the side walk.

I begun to ran as fast as my legs could carry me, what am I going to do? My hair whipped across my face as I darted through the panicking crowd of pedestrians.

I entered a small alley way in between two shops. " Hello Miss." A voice said from behind me and I instantly panicked. I closed my eyes, clenched my fists and threw a punch as quickly as I could.

I opened my eyes only to see a hobbo clenching his very red jaw. His clothes stank of alcohol and dry mud, almost like the park back home, excluding the alcohol.

He grabbed me by my shoulders and pressed me against the wall. " You imbecile, all I wanted was some spare change. " he spat in my face.

Suddenly a loud thud sound filled my ears and the stinky man fell on me. I screamed instantly and tried to push him off but he seemed to weigh a ton.

" She's mine to kill. " I heard the last voice I wanted to hear in my last forty five minutes of life. He pulled off the unconscious man , which made me feel relieved but also very vulnerable.

" Now lets get on with this, where is the book?"

I shook my head vigorously. " Okay then, I could always ask Ro. And you are no longer a factor in this equation so what use are you to me.

" That is so damned corny . " a feminine voice said from the dark, taking Giuseppe's attention from me for a second. I punched him in the stomach and kicked him in the groin. He gasped for air as I ran towards the car he had left in ignition.

As I was opening the car door, a yellow object caught my eye. I turned towards the man and noticed there was a girl on his back. He was struggling to get out of her grip but to no avail. She had a crowbar to his neck, choking him.

It was the girl from the bar. When she noticed me starring at her , she flashed a quick smile and returned to torturing the agonized man.

" Giuseppe, what a bad boy you've been. " she said smugly, " I could take you out right now but what fun would that be. I'd love to see you suffer. " she instantly pull a small bottle out of her back pocket and used her teeth to pop the cover off.

Grabbing his neck, she poured the liquid into his agape mouth as he screamed loudly. She got off him and kicked him hard, making him lurch towards a trash can and bang his head on it.

" Oh , yeah and I love your car. Mind if I take it for a ride. " he groaned in response. " I'll take that as a yes. Bye Giuseppe. You should call me, lets keep in touch. " she walked towards me and got into the front seat.

I sat in and she backed out of the alley and back onto the road. " Yeah! That was such a rush. Demons are so fun to torture. "


Anna's stepfather is a demon? She has to know. I'm sure Aunt Jean doesn't even know. Their lives are in danger.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called the line of the guest house, sure enough, Ro picked up.

Before she could say the usual introduction , I blurted out, " Ro, its me . Call Anna and tell her to meet me at the guest house with her Aunt, instantly. "

" You! One minute you're nice to me and asking for favours and the next your acting like such a pain and shunning me away like some useless peasant. "

" What? What are you talking about?" But then realisation hit me. Elanora. She must be the one that Ro is talking about. " Ro that's not important. Call Anna she's in danger. "

The call immediately cut off and I put my phone back in my pocket. " I'm Savannah. We met at the bar. You may probably want to change where you live , cos once Giuseppe finds you , you'll die in seconds. "

I choked on my own breath. Coughing and hacking, I splattered out the directions to the guest house as I had a mini panic attack. I never thought I would encounter a demon, I am very religious.

Okay, not so religious. But I do go to church and pray most of the time. I once even bathed in holy water. Well ,because I saw it in a movie but its the thought that counts, doesn't it?

Savannah came to a halt infront of the building, ending my trail of thoughts. I got out quickly and entered the building where Ro and Anna stood, with their backs facing me.

I moved closer to them and noticed Anna Aunt on the ground with her peach dress stained in ... Blood?

I stood beside Anna and noticed that the poor old woman had a dagger pierced into her side. " Oh my God. " those were the only words that escaped my lips as I picked up my phone and called 9-1-1.

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