I. Running Away.

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" Well if that's how you feel, I don't really care. " My mother screamed at me , frantically throwing her hands in the air in frustration.

" I don't need all this , Janice. And I definitely don't need you!" I stormed out of the living room and ran up to my bedroom. My blood boiled with hatred. I hate her. I hate her. She always made me feel inferior.

My heart was an inferno of hate. I tore clothes out of my closet and shoved them into my backpack . I tossed my piggy bank into the bag and zipped it up, carrying it by one hand. I picked a hoodie up from the floor and wore it over my pyjama pants.

The thought of running away crossed my mind everyday but I never knew It would come to this, to the point where I was actually doing it.

I jumped into my boots and snuck out of the room through the window, leaving it wide open so she'll know I left through there.

I plummeted to the ground, landing perfectly on my feet. Those years of gymnastics really paid off. I ran towards my truck and hopped in.

I ignited the engine and sped off, unsure of where I was headed. My breathing was heavy as hot tears fell from my eyes. I used my sleeve to clean my damp cheeks and eyes.

" I won't shed a tear for that woman. I'm gonna be just fine by myself. " I assured myself although it wasn't convincing at all. I turned on the radio and put in my favourite CD.

The radio played a melody that was all too familiar, in fact it was my favourite song. I sighed heavily, trying to release tension. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel .


I had no idea about where I was until I saw a small signboard by the road, saying " Welcome to Orange County. "

I then noticed how fast I was driving, I drove myself into an unfamiliar place, but that's what I wanted ,right? To get away from my mother. To be as far as I possibly could be from her.

I found myself in a place called Westminter, it was quite a nice place. Very few people were around and the streets were almost empty and dark.

I parked my car at a guest house and got out. " Sorry, we're closed. " A woman who sat behind the desk said to me , without looking away from her magazine.

" But the door is open. And there's no closed sign." I walked towards her and dropped my bag on the floor. She was a black lady with red hair and glasses, probably in her 20's.

She dropped her book on the desk and glared at me. " What do you want?" I told her I'd like to rent a room and she handed my keys over to me, showing me to my new room.

It was quite small, complete with white walls and old furniture. Almost like a hospital, despite the very pungent scent of cigarettes and stale coffee.

I dropped on the bed and sighed heavily. Thinking about my future. All alone. No one else to wake me up at 5:00 am in the morning to make her boyfriend and her some morning protein shakes.

" This is gonna be awesome! "

I looked at my phone for the time. 8:30 pm. I took a quick shower , dressed up and headed out of the building with my satchel across my shoulder.

The cold evening air wrapped around me . I rubbed my palms on my skin vigorously to give myself a little warmth as the lady walked out of the building.

She placed her manicured fingers into her tiny bag and took out a cigarette. She put it in between her lips and lit it.

Inhaling deeply and exhaling heavily. She was clearly relieving herself of stress. She glanced over to me and I looked away, noticing that I had been staring for far too long.

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