VII. Demonic.

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" Dad?"

He quickly looked down at me. I could practically see his heart sinking when he saw my blood stained face.

" Let go of me!" I shrieked as anger settled on me. Kicking my legs all though with every movement, I felt the wound expand.

" Azalea, would you stop it! You're hurt." I cringed inwardly as he said my full name. No one calls me that, not even my mother, just him. I could have given him a spiteful response but I was already short of breathe.

I relaxed myself as he lay me on the soft, moist grass. He placed one hand underneath my head, lifting it up and brushing his hand over my huge gush. I felt the crushed bones fix and the flesh grow right over . The pain was excruciating but I couldn't stop it.

" Leah. You have to get out of here. Leave this town. Quickly! My brother is out here and once he finds out you're here, he won't stop. He'll come after you. "

I've never seen my uncle. And I never asked about him because every time I asked, I got horrible answers which I wished I never heard.

He once pushed my father down the stairs because he spoke to a girl he liked. He also stabbed the back of a senior in his high school for fun, luckily the guy didn't die. He's been sent to an asylum six times before he run away when my dad was sixteen and he was fifteen.

I don't even know his name. We just call him Junior.

" What would your brother want me for? I've never met him. Isn't he crazy?" I asked, raising myself up and crossing my feet beneath me.

Scratching the back of his neck, my father said, " he has some psychological problems." He got up and walked behind me , where a small green jeep I hadn't noticed earlier was parked deep in between some bushes, almost making it invisible.

" Some? The guy pushed you down the stairs because of a girl he probably would have left later on__" I turned my attention to the grass and begun to pluck some of the short blades. "__just like you left us."

I could feel his eyes boring holes into the back of my head, making me feel unsettled. " I had my reasons, Azalea. It was a horrible time for me and I didn't want to bring you into it. " he sat in front of me, putting a blanket around me shoulders.

" And what might that be? You were always so secretive , so quiet. You never had... In fact, we never had a relationship. You weren't my father when you were with us. " I rose my head to him, staring him straight in his eyes.

" You were a guest. " I said with enough venom to kill an elephant. I watched his face fall, and as did my heart but I stood up abruptly, letting the blanket fall behind my feet, and headed for the green jeep.

I got in and watched him folding the blanket with a fleck of sadness on his face. I felt remorseless for his sorrow, it kinda made me feel good about myself.

He pulled the door open and hopped inside, his eyes fixated ahead of him. I copied his actions and began to talk. " Why did you leave us?" I whispered.

He sighed deeply, pulling the car out of its parking spot and turned his head slightly just so I could see enough of his face.

" Its a family thing, that you dont-" he begun but I quickly interjected.

" I'm your family too! For years everything was fine, then you just had to up and leave, ruining everything. So I think I deserve an explanation, don't you? " I was screaming halfway above the normal pitch. " Tell me!" I screamed when he did nothing but drive right through a red light.

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