V. Sapphire.

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I crouched down beside the old lady and wrapped my fingers around the daggers handle. " No! If you pull it out, she'll lose a lot of blood. "

I instantly tore my hands away from the handle and stood straight. Anna was fidgeting with her fingers, it looked like she was guilty about something.

" You stabbed your own aunt? " I screamed, stomping my way towards Anna. She backed away quickly.

" I-I didn't mean to. It's just the voices. I couldn't stop myself. And then... "

" And then what? You stabbed your own aunt?" I interjected hastily. Frustrated and worn out. My life has been nothing but running and drama since I came to this damned place but I can't go back yet.

" I'm sorry. I couldn't control myself. Something came over me. And I hadn't taken my med-"

" Quit crying Anna. I'm not dead. But I'm gonna die soon if I don't get something to eat. I'm starving. " the old lady's voice interjected making me breathe a sigh of relief that I didn't know I was holding, despite the fact that she sounded delusional due to the loss of blood.

The siren of the ambulance drew nearer which me ease off a little tension. Soon it was at the entrance, blurring my eyes with its awfully bright red and blue lights.

Medical staff rolled out of the back of the ambulance and strapped the blood stained old lady onto a gurney as she continuously complained about the grumbles erupting from her tummy. Anna jumped into the back of the truck and a short man closed the doors.

I stood with my hands across my chest , crossed. " Well, what are you guys going to do now?" I hardly caught Savannah's question , the sight of the old lady lying flat on her back, loosing blood. It just seem so familiar but I have no idea how. I shunned that thought away.
" Wanna come over to my house?"

Instantly , To accepted Savannah's offer without any hesitation and pulled me towards Giuseppe's car. Whatever happened to the stranger danger code?

I sat heavily in the back seat and strapped on my seat belt and sighed.

Ever since I came to this town, there's been nothing but drama! And not the drama I'm used to. This is almost Geordie Shore crazy. But I can't go back. I can't take this home. To my town. To my mom. Hell, I can't even take this to my cat, Vixen.

Breathe. You're gonna be alright. Well kinda, my oh - so - reassuring conscience told me. My eyelashes fluttered as a breath of fresh air erupted from the air conditioning vents in the back seat. I slowly closed my eyes , leaving all this craziness behind and taking a breather from life in the darkest furthest part of my brain.

Soft. Squishy. I groaned as I tried to get out of this heap of all things soft an squishy. " She's awake. Run!" A highly excited voice screamed , followed by the pitted - patter of multiple scurrying feet.

I forced my eyes open only to meet darkness and a faint line of light running through the darkness of the room from the door that was left slightly open. I got out of the bed and headed to the open door.
I pulled it back and stepped out of the room, into a narrow hallway full of ...

Random people making out on the walls.

" Oh get a room, you hormonal messes." I scoffed and stomped the hall, avoiding the glares I was recieving.

" You were in it!" Someone called out, over the loud crappy music that was playing from a distance.

Before I could turn back, I heard a door shut so I continued walking down the hall until I met a staircase littered with red party cups, cigars and beer bottles. I went down and turned into a hall where the music was at its loudest and the people...

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