kiss me

942 29 18

A few days later

Addison POV

I can't believe that Bryce asked me out yay omg this is so exiting we are going on a date at the beach he is picking me up at 3:00pm so I only have a few hours to get ready


top clothes

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top clothes

top clothes

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I decided to not wear any makeup after all we were going to the beach

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I decided to not wear any makeup after all we were going to the beach................ I check my phone and see that I have a message from Bryce 


you almost ready


                                            yeah I'm ready


ok I'll be there in 10 k



(skip to the date)

Bryce's POV

I am totally going to win the bet I have Addison wrapped around my finger now I just need to kiss her fuck her and lastly break her heart god this will be easy

"wanna get I the water ?" Bryce

"sure" Addison 

We stand up Addison then takes off her shorts and shirt leaving her in a two piece bikini. I only take off my shirt but damm Addison does look hot in a bikini wait no I can't get feelings for her Hall get your head in the fucking game, we then get in the water and Addison splashes me 

"you really wanna play that game, huh" Bryce

I then splash her back 

"hey" Addison 

I laugh at her cute mad face

"not fair you can't splash me" Addison 

"why not" Bryce 

"because that's not a nice thing to do that's something that player's do" Addison

"I like playing the player card" Bryce

Addison's POV

"I like playing the player card" Bryce

"yeah makes sense" Addison 

we then look at each other and then start leaning in and before I knew it we were kissing 

"Bryce stop we can't do this" Addison 

"why not ? " Bryce

"because your the player of the story and I'm the innocent normal girl and those two don't go good together" Addison 

"you won't know that until you give it a try" Bryce

"Bryce we can't be more than friends" Addison 

"answer this do you like me" Bryce

"I ummm ok yeah I guess" Addison 

"you like me and I like you this can work if you give it a try" Bryce

"Bryce" Addison 

"please Addison" Bryce

What do I say I really like him but I don't know he might hurt me and I don't want that is he serious when he says he likes me or is it just play boy bullshit . What should I say should I give it a try or not. I don't want do get hurt these last few weeks have been torture if I say yes to Bryce he might become my salvation or he might become the hell that makes me break and  causes me to never find myself. Do I take the risk do I play with fire 

I think I hate you but deep down inside I hate myself most for loving you..................................

Love is a word

That is constantly heard

Hate is a word

That is not

Love, I am told

Is more precious than gold

Love I have heard

Is hot

But hate is the verb

That to me is a superb

And love just a drug

On the mart

For any kiddie from school 

Can love like a fool

But hating my, boy

Is an art

Love & Hate...............................

Hate conquers if you allow it but there is one solution Love you can overcome hate you just have to try......................................................................................................................................................

Will Addison accept or not will she play with fire ??

short chapter I know but I'm on a writers block sorry everyone 

ily guys 

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