Dating the player

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"Addison please give me a chance" Addison 

"ok fine but if I give you a chance do you promise to not break my heart ?" Addison 

"I promise" Bryce

"ok then lets give this a shot" Addison 

"so girlfriend wanna head back now" Bryce

"sure boyfriend" Addison 

Addison POV 

I have a boyfriend omg wtf I'm dating the player and playing with fire.....................................

10 min later

ON THE ROAD (still in the car)

"that day when we first met you got a flashback what was it about ?" Bryce

"ummm nothing it was just a stupid flashback" Addison

"I know you're lying" Bryce 

"i'm not lying Bryce truly it was just a flashback" Addison 

I can't tell him what happened that day I-I can't Nessa and Dix are the only ones that actually know what happened that day and it's because the three of us were raped the same day. If Bryce doesn't know what happened that day that means that Nessa hasn't told him yet Dix Nessa and I made a promise that day that we would never tell anyone what happed that day. It's a promise I have to keep it . 

"about a week and a half ago Nessa came home crying and when I asked her what happed she just yelled at me for trying to get in her business and then I also found out that that same day Dixie went home also crying and broken and a few days ago Mads told me that the SAME mother fucking day you also went home shattered and finally today I found out that all of you were together that day. So Addison what happened that day." Bryce 

shit I know had to tell him what happened FUCK why does this shit always happen to me

"Bryce I really don't want do talk about it" Addison 

"we're dating now you're supposed to tell me whats going on, right ?"  Bryce 

"can we get to my place first and then we can talk" Addison 

"fine" Bryce 

a couple of min later we get to my place, we go inside and then go to my bedroom and sit on my bed...............

"ok so now will you tell me what happened that day" Bryce

"that day Nessa Dix and I had just finished watching a movie at the boulevard movie theater and we were walking down this creepy sidewalk and then suddenly 6 men block our path they all had mafia tattoo's they then started getting close to us and th-then everything went blank and when I woke up I was in this warehouse with only one of the guys he started touch-touching me and then he raped me. After they let us go Nessa Dixie and I made a promise to never tell anyone about what happened that day." 

I then started crying.............

"shhhh it will be ok" Bryce 

Bryce puts his arms around me

"please don't tell Nessa that I told you this" Addison

"don't worry I won't tell anyone" Bryce

"Bryce I was raped I can't live like this" Addison 

"yes you can you have to live everything will be ok don't leave me" Bryce

"thank you for being here with me" Addison 

"I will always be here for you" Bryce

                                                                        Dear Diary,

I HAVE A BOYFRIEND !!!!! I'm dating Bryce wow he's not a player he's actually really sweet and caring. I think our relationship will last, he's different around me. I actually fell for the player alright I'm starting to freak out, wait no I shouldn't freak out. ANYWAYYY goodnight diary today was incredible by far one of my best days ever. love addi xoxo 

Calm Before The Storm that's how it always starts the waves are low at the moment but they will rise and when they do the storm will begin....................................................

(556 words short but like I said I'm on writers block)

I never understood how

two words

could seamlessly erase 

all the broken promises 

but "hey baby" dripping

out of your mouth like


made me forget all those 

times you broke my heart 

- you were supposed to be my salvation, but instead you broke me 

Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and opens your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.  You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. The did something dumb one day like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside of you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simply phrase like "maybe we're better off as friends" turns into a glass splinter working it's way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just I the mind. It's a soul-hurt. It gets inside of you and rips you apart. Love Hurts..................................................

-it's the dark side of love

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