The Downfalls of the past

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Addison's POV

today was just another boring day of school, now school was over and myself and two friends were playing spin the pocket knife under the school bleachers, the knife then landed on this hot football player who was siting on top of the bleachers so I decided to ask him why he is all alone I mean isn't he supposed to doing stupid ass shit with the rest of the football team. "hey what are you doing all alone up there" he then turns around and looks at me "siting thinking what are you doing" he was thinking I thought dudes like him didn't think "I'm obviously not alone, why are you alone" he gives me an annoyed kind of look and then responds "well because I just want to be alone and think about life" one of my friends then whispered to me "lets go already this is getting boring" that was kind of rude but yeah I guess this was getting boring "yeah ok" my friends and I get up and starts walking towards the gate to go home. 15 min later we are at my house. "Bryce Michael Hall thinking about life rare" Dixie "yeah it is" Addison "anyway in two weeks it's the spring fall dance, are you girls exited" Nessa "YESSS" Dixie "not going" Addison "What do you mean you have to go addi" Nessa "no I'm not in the mood" Addison "does this have to do with you being ra-" before Dixie could finish her sentence I cut her off and kind of yelled at her "NO ITS NOT BECAUSE OF THAT I JUST DONT WANNA FUCKING GO OK !!!!" Addison "add-" Nessa "I'm sorry girls I'm just not feeling well" Addison "it's fine we have to go anyway, see you around Addison" Dixie. Nessa and Dixie stand up and leave and then I just plop myself on my bed "ugh fuck I hate life" Addison. 

A few moments later my sister Maddison comes in my room.......................

"I'm throwing a party tonight" Maddison

"are you insane mom and dad won't let you" Addison

"they are not coming home until tomorrow, so I'm throwing a party and you are not saying a word or you will regret it" Maddison

Maddison slams my door on the way out, fuck whats her problem

"well guess I'm not sleeping tonight" Addison

3 hours later..............

(still Addisons POV)

I then hear like 30 people come in so looks like the party has started.......

I decided to change in a basic outfit 

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