Spring Fall Dance

703 26 25

1 week later

Addison POV

Its been a week since Bryce and I found out that we're expecting I've been staying at his place lately. Tomorrow is the spring fall dance Bryce and I aren't going Nessa Jaden Mads Amelie Blake Tessa Tayler Charly Josh Caitlyn Rory Azra Aisha Nate Chase Kelianne Larray Ravon Nailea Vinnie Griffin Kio Olivia Avani Anthony Lucia and Markell also aren't going they're coming over to Bryces place because we're announcing our pregnancy well Nessa already knows but she wanted to be here when we announce it to everyone else. It's not exactly a party these are some of our closest friends and we wanted to share this with them. 

"baby" Bryce

"huh" Addison 

"what are you thinking about ?" Bryce 

"nothing" Addison 

"you sure ?" Bryce 

"yeah i'm sure" Addison 

(Bryce and Addison are on the couch btw Addison is sitting on Bryces lap and Bryce has his hands on Addisons stomach) 


Nessa then comes downstairs lol she sounds happy

"why are you so loud we're right here estúpida" (I'm with my bff rn and she speaks and writes Spanish soooooooo thank you to her for helping me with Spanish) 

"Cállate la boca Brycie, estoy aquí porque quiero hablar con mi esposa, así que vete a la mierda" Nessa 

"you're mean" Bryce

"I know now for real fuck off I wanna talk to my wife" Nessa 

"whats up ness ?" Addison 

"come with me we need to talk privately" Nessa

"ok ?" Addison 

I stand up and go with Nessa to her room she closes the door..............

"whats going on Nessa and how come you never told me you speak Spanish ?" Addison

"we're fluent in Spanish and Italian but that's besides the point I have something to tell you" Nessa

"whats going on ?" Addison 


"AHHHH OMG NESS !!!!" Addison 

I hug nessa and I start crying omg these emotions 

"congrats ness I'm so proud of you" Addison 

"bby why are you crying" Nessa

"I don't know the baby emotions" Addison 

"awwwww" Nessa

"but why didn't you tell Bryce" Addison 

"hey its best friend first and boyfriend second and then stupid brother that got my bff pregnant third" Nessa

" when are you telling Josh ?" Addison

"rn ima call him" Nessa

"k I'll leave you to it again congrats ness I love you" Addison 

"I love u more bby" Nessa

I go out of Nessa room and go back to the living room

"Bryce ??" Addison 

"IN THE KITCHEN !!" Bryce 

I go to the kitchen and see Bryce cooking I walk over to him

"what are you doing ??" Addison 

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