lonely but not for long

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7 months later 

Addison POV

It's been 7 months and Bryce hasn't come back I'm now 8 months pregnant. The day of the car crash at the hospital the doctors thought my baby was gone but then just before they released me they gave me a last ultrasound and there it was my baby she was strong and survived, Bryce doesn't know this and he promised ness he'd call but he hasn't called since he left. I yelled at him told him our baby was gone because of him now all I feel is regret because our baby never left. I have a note that nessa gave me from Bryce and every time I read it I feel like he's here with me even though he's not. I miss you Hall can you come back to me and your child please I beg you.................................

"hey sis," mads came into my bedroom and sat next to me

"hey mads," I said and sad smiled 

"you're thinking about him," mads 

"yeah," a tear escaped from my eyes

"he'll come back," mads 

"will he really its been 7 months I don't have any hope left," Addison 

mads hugs me and I start crying

"shhhhhh it'll be ok sis I'm here for you," mads 

"thank you mads I love you sis," Addison 

"I love you too," mads 

Mads POV

I promised Bryce I'd be the sister that Addison has always wanted and I intend to keep that promise I'll always be the best sister to Addison and once her baby is here I intend to be the best aunt. Bryce come back Addison needs you she really does Nessa Lucia and I try to always comfort her but she need you the love of her life, she regrets everything she said to you that day  at the hospital, please come back.........................................

2 hours later

Addison Mads and Jaden are over at Bryces place with Josh Lucia and Nessa (Lucia is Bryces cousin btw she moved in once Bryce left to be there for ness) 

Nessa then gets a call..............

"hello," Nessa

"hey lil sis," .......

Nessa starts crying 

"Nessa whats wrong who are you on the phone with ??" Josh

"you called after 7 months," Nessa

"yeah sorry I broke my promise," Bryce 

"you're ok omg where are you please come back home," Nessa

"I can't go back home," Bryce

"is it Bryce," Josh 

"yeah," Nessa whispered 

"Bryce we need you please come back I need you the boys need you they miss you Lucia misses you Addison misses you and since you left he pregnancy has been even more difficult," Nessa

"ne-" Josh 

"fuck, I'm sorry Addison," nessa whispered

"what are you talking about," Bryce 

"come home and find out please," Nessa

"you don't really think I went far do you I'm at Jadens place I'll be right over," he hung up

"Addison, Bryce is coming over you need to explain," Nessa

"I know I will," Addison 

"where is he ??" Lucia 

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