the drama begins

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Monday the day of the appointment 

Bryces POV 

Addison and I are on our way to see our baby for the first time, I'm extremely excited and I'm glad Addison decided to keep the baby though our lives will completely change after having a child I feel it will be a change that will affect Addisons and my life for the better................................................

(at the appointment)

"Addison Rae Easterling Lewis and Bryce Michael Hall," Dr. Mendes 

"that's us," Addison 

"ok come right this way," Dr. Mendes

Addison and I walk into a room Addison lays on a chair type bed thing (idk what the fuck its called) and I sit on a chair next to her

"so I'm going to put this inside of you Miss.Easterling Lewis but if at any moment you feel discomfort tell me and we'll try a different technique," Dr. Mendes

"yeah ok," Addison 

I could tell Addison was nervous so I hold her hand and she holds back tight, I'm nervous and I'm not the one who's getting something shoved up inside of my body, the doctor puts the thing inside of Addison and then starts looking at a machine for a few seconds the room was quiet but then we started hearing heart beats and on the screen there was our unborn child, Addison started crying so did I. Seeing my unborn child filled me up with happiness I can't wait to meet our baby girl or boy

"this baby is extremely healthy the heart beat is normal and its growing at the correct speed," Dr. Mendes 

"thank you," Addison 

"no problem, I'll take the device out of you and then I'll bring back a list with some medicines you could take while in this pregnancy and then once I'm back I'll answer any questions," Dr. Mendes

The doctor takes the "thing" out of Addison and then leaves

"I cant wait to meet our baby," Addison 

"same here baby I hope he or she is just like you......perfect," Bryce 

Addison smiled at me and then leaned over and kissed me I of course kissed back (who wouldn't like its Addison FUCKING RAE...anyway lol) 

"I love you baby," Bryce 

"I love you more babe," Addison 

Addison POV

"I love you baby," Bryce

"I love you more babe" Addison 

This man just makes me fall in love with him more everyday, I love Bryce so much and I can't wait until our little one is here we'll be a little family................................. a few min later the doctor come back in

"ok so I've given you the list with the medicines so do you two have any questions or concerns ?" Dr. Mendes

"yeah can I still go to school ?" Addison 

" I don't recommend it school can be stressful and stress will hurt your baby my recommendation is stay home it'll prevent harm towards the baby," Dr. Mendes

"ok thank you so much," Addison 

"no problem so are those all the questions ?" Dr. Mendes

"yeah that's it," Addison 

"ok so your next appointment is in 3 months to find out the gender," Dr. Mendes

"ok sounds good," Addison 

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