freaky shit

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the next day 

                                                                    Dear Diary,

Today will be a great day !!!! Well at least I hope. I have to get to school im running a tad bit late. Wow im really happy, guess love does change a person. OH SHOOT I REALLY HAVE TO GET GOING  BYEEEEE DIARY. xoxo addi 

Addison's POV

I just finished my last class of the day Nessa told me to meet her at burger shack so that's where I'm headed to...................

At Burger Shack

"Addison over here" Nessa

still Addisons pov

I go over and sit next to Nessa but Dixie was also there with her boyfriend and Josh was there as well

"hey ness and hey everyone" Addison 

"hey adds" dixie 

"hi Addison" noah 

"sup addi" josh 

"so whats going on" Addison 

"we're all going to skip school tomorrow and go to the haunted gate wanna come ?" Nessa

"sorry but skipping school to go to some stupid gate is just stupid I'm trying to focus on school" Addison 

"plz Bryce will be there" Dixie 

"so what do I care if Bryce will be there or not" Addison 

"you two have been really close lately" dixie 

"stfu I'm not into players" Addison (ummm girl you dating the guy)

"speaking of the devil here he comes" dixie

I turn around and see Bryce he comes and sits next to dixie who is next to noah

"hey guys" Bryce 

"hey bro we were just talking about you" Nessa 

"really why ?" Bryce 

"because you and addi have been really close we just asked addi if you two were dating and she said that she would never date the player so guess we got our answer" dixie 

shit no no no I'm such a bad person

"really well yeah we've been close but us dating tf I'm not into girls like her" Bryce 

I then saw Bryce wink at me so I'm guessing that means he's playing along 

"oh that's sad you two would make a cute couple the player and the girl we all think is innocent but is truly not" dixie 

"what do you mean isn't  Addison really  the good girl" noah

"I mean she got rapped but it wasn't at her will so ig she's kind of innocent but at the same time not" dixie

Bryce and Nessa then looked at Dixie I couldn't believe she had just said that

"dix-" Nessa

I then stand up 

"You know what I wasn't the only one that was raped Dixe you mf bitch you were also raped that day so stfu because you aren't any better that me, you are fucking dead to me go to hell you piece of shit" Addison 

I then leave and Bryce Josh and Nessa follow behind me...........


Bryce POV

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