Bryce and Addison

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same day as the last chapter 11:30pm 

Addison's POV

It's 11:30 and I'm still awake thinking about Bryce he hurt Nessa his own sister he said he never meant to hurt her but he still did, I can't even imagine how ness feels rn, huh my phone is ringing who could be calling me at this time. I pick up my phone........ Bryce I know I shouldn't answer but I just can't ignore him nor get him off my mind, I answer the phone. "hey" "I know its late but I need you to come back over to my place" "why ?? Is ness ok" "yeah she's fine I think she's asleep" "oh okay" "so will you come" "why are you asking me to come over this late you sound fine ness is fine whats going on" "I just need to talk to you so can you stop asking questions and just head over here" "yeah ok fine." I hung up. I get out of bed I change into leggings and a crop top I wear a jacket and then just slip on my uggs. 



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