Chapter 6

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[I just wanna say dont continue reading this Im kinda busy with school work, so have some bloody patience]

Back at Australia...

I went back home after what happened between us few weeks ago..we fought its just the management want us to take a break for a little while

it's been weeks Taylor isn't calling me or texting me ...I'm worried as fuck! I just can't handle it without her on my sight what happens if she got an accident and shit ! I'm having a panic attack !

-knock knock-

"who is it ?" I stood up and quiffed my hair as perfect as I can the temperature here is getting warmer since summer is coming in fast!

"it's Cal" I opened the door quickly as possible! My kiwi friend just arrived with pizza and a cheeky smile on his face is plastered

"Hey mate"he chuckles handling me the box and its still hot I quickly turned to to kitchen to put it gently on the counter top

"Taylor hasn't been on in a while on twitter, what happen?" I stcratched the back of my head and nodded...

"I don't know man.."I pulled him inside the house

"did something happen?"he asked again

"well she confessed that she's starting to have feelings for me and I was like hey hold up" I gaved him an awkward smile I do to have feelings for Taylor I don't just like her I love everything about Taylor

"Really ?! That's great I mean you love her also why don't you ask her out to make things easier for you plus you'll be able to watch over her"Calum gave me a thumbs up

"Well that's the complicated part"I sat right across him

"I don't know how am I going to be able to ask her out" I groaned and pushed back my hair with frustration

"Think Luke! Think you'll be able to spend your time her more"Calum then puts some paper at the desk

"You're right but how? Calum I'm thinking here remember I'm the father of our unborn child and I still haven't told her yet, it'll be really fucked up for me, I want to stand up as a father"I said with a little high tune in my voice, I'm worried and scared and the same time I can't explain how

"whatever Luke its your decison okay here's the scedhule for our tour" the paper consist of  of a lot of  countries that we're heading I still got a lot of time with me left to go and visit Taylor back at New York

"Don't worry we'll be there in no time"he smiles standing up

"I have to go I got a little date with my girl"he then quickly leaves the house as possible leaving the pizza behind I guess it was meant for me then

Taylor's POV

Cara is with me ever since Luke left to go back in Australia how disappointing,why am I always disappointed? Probably it was his management

"You know his worried sick about you ! Why won't you a least tweet something"Cara groans picking up her phone

"Why shoul--"she cuts me off by squealing what's with her ? She quickly showed me her phone my heart melted seeing his tweet

This ain't right I don't know but I'm worried !.

stfu luke


I laughed a little with him being so hot and at the same time being so childish with his bandmates

"See his worried"Cara laughs as he reads more of Michael and Luke's replies to each other I groaned and took my phone

Don't worry bout me I'm alright loves :)

God where have you been?!


Stay in your lane boy


Lol yeah Michael stay


Who the fuck invited you ? @shawnmendez Camila is mine go away.


Stop exposing us Lolo

The conversation between those lovers are starting to heat up...I'm waiting for Luke's tweet though I wanna write him a song
"Ohhh Lauren is fighting for Camila"Cara laughs even more louder
"I know its cute"we both looked at each other and smirks

"AHH CAMREN AF"we said in unison then fist bumps

"Lauren just tweeted to back off"Cara showed me her phone again although... It still doesnt satisfy me

My phone vibrated and it was a DM from Luke I'm nervous and scared..fuck

From:@Luke5SOS 10:03 pm

you finally tweeted great !

I can't reply back to him..after what what I did to him I can't I'm mad with myself
"You should"cara said holding my shoulder I sighed and shook my head
"Maybe not now"I groaned I look back at my phone and I got another DM from him


oh I see you're ignoring me :).


Camila's POV

thank god Taylor is alright she hasn't answered my calls and texts either although after she tweeted it cost a little war...

I noticed Lauren staring at me
"What ?"I asked she was furious I can tell she's jealous she quickly looks back at her phone dead serious I frown I don't like her seeing like this I moved a bit to get near to her but she was drifting away I grabbed her tigh and moved my hands sideways gently

"That's not gonna happen Camila"she groans and removes my hand

"You're jealous"I giggle a bit she's actually is cute when she's jealous

"and you're seducing me"she smiles our faces were an inch away until Dinah came out of no where interrupting the both of us

"Oh Lauren you dig it dawg!"she shouted and took her phone at the desk the both of us groaned with embarrassment

"Deym we got busted"Lauren laughed sure its the cutest laugh on planet Jupiter

I know what you guys did last summer !

No you don't mind your own businesses

Lauren pulled me closer until our body touches from each other she's very warm and cuddly we hugged one another until we were comfortable

Michael's POV

"You okay mate"Luke ask rubbing my back I dropped my spoon at the bowl making a little milk splash I sighed that the fact Camila is taken

"Remember that girl from fifth harmony?"I asked Luke as he looks at me
"Yeah why?"he chuckles

"Remember when we caught Camila making out with her band mate at the backstage after their performance?"I asked again he simply nods

"It was kinda sexy and hot"He laughs at me I frowned at him and shook my head with disagreement

"Yeah right but I like Camila!!"I whined pushing him off

"So?"he laughs

"So !? You already took Taylor now you're not supporting my feelings over Camila why?I pouted at him

"Because Crissy is better its not that I don't like Camila or something its just you and Crissy got the same vibe"he pats my back and pulls a chair out and sits on it I sighed and simply thought of Crissy she is gorgeous and amazing and truly talented

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