Chapter 9

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Luke was given a chance but only to find out he had to stay away from Taylor and his unborn child he thought hiding from Taylor won't hurt the both of them but it did now they are separated from each other and this is Taylor's request

Luke's POV

I sat at a corner of the bar everyone enjoying themselves tonight while I on the other hand  is left open with an open heart, the boys are on the dance floor embarrassing themselves enough to just make me leave this strip club Michael thought it was a good idea and clearly it wasn't

"Hey handsome"A small young petite woman snaked her way towards my arms grinding her hips on mine, I never felt this digusted

"I'm not available"I smiled then smoothly drank a shot of jack Daniel I felt the burning sensation in my throat and into my stomach but I wasn't drunk at all, I made my way outside of the bar only to find an open parking lot empty it

I sadly can't find our car and its getting on my nerves I'm sure it's the only muscle car here around the block, I'll admit my vision is starting to blur but I only had 6 shots I know that wasn't my limit I looked around even more and finally found my 90's muscle car but with an unfortunate luck I noticed my car's hood is up I heard few guys cackling and muttering about something I don't even care about.

"Hey! The fuck are you doing!?"I shouted at them loud enough for them to hear clearly it was the alcohol inside me I thought they were only 2 that a least I could take on but no they were four of them

I stepped back slowly with my knees trembling not that I'm scared but I swear its the alcohol they were taller than me and clearly bigger they wore a black rugged mask to cover their faces

"Look at this guys we got ourselves a celebrity"they all laughed in unison without no hesitation I punched the guy who said that towards me but I got kicked on my stomach then to my face it repeated until I lay on my abdominal with a blurry vision

And the next thing I know I'm knocked out cause of the alcohol obviously

"I told you clubbing wasn't a great idea!" I heard a familiar voice its Ashton and he sounds angry towards I don't know who, my head is on a pin right now and its aching really bad I couldn't feel my upper body except for my legs, I can't pretty much my arm as well

"Hey I'm sorry I just wanted Luke to be happy I never thought he'd leave the event"Michael scoffed it wasn't he's fault its the alcohol's fault I feel paralyzed

"Ohmygod you guys! What happened to him!?"another voice butted in I can hear them gasping from the air is it our manager?! Or worse! My mother

"he got beaten real bad and the doctor said he's not waking up anytime soon, he's head is a bit damage from the hit of a bat"Calum said with a soft voice I can tell his been crying how long was I out?

"You guys could leave and take a rest, I'll handle it"

"Don't sleep late okay"I heard Michael before the door was closed it was finally peaceful


I felt a soft hand travel to my chest its familiar touch reminded me of Taylor its been awhile since I last saw her I wanted to know our baby's gender people say it was a boy but I wanted it as a girl I hope my genes dominated Taylor's

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