chapter 3

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Taylor's POV

it's been 1 week since I got out of the hospital and I've been checking over Luke I don't understand why but it feels I have this obsession over him ever since the day that I met him.

"Taylor hon? how are you feeling? I made you some breakfast downstairs."My mom chirped in I wanted to ignore her but I can't, I needed help with looking for this kids father..

"I don't feel like eating mum."I wrapped myself with a blanket to turn into a burrito she rubbed my back and sighs

"C'mon down now love, it's your favorite chicken tenders and garlic green beans, carrots!"I heard a slight joy within her words, this brings me back to my teenage years where my mom would wake me up for school, but then I couldn't.. but this is different now I'm old and should act more mature now

"Fine mum but this will be the last time I'll be eating for today." I said i set aside my blanket over me and walked past my mum, she looked at me with joy within her eyes and that's something that I want.

"you know Taylor if you want to keep that baby, keep yourself healthy besides I wouldn't think you would be able to resist the cravings sooner or later." she smirked at me then walked past me

what cravings is she talking about? fairly i don't have the taste to eat the things that I want right it all taste bitter..

Luke's POV

Wow I didn't know that'll I'm only 18 and I'm going to be a father I have my seed in Taylor's should I be happy about this? should i tell her to just don't keep that baby because it won't do anything good for her, it felt like a burden when i saw those eyes of hers.. But that's my kid inside of her

"Hey Luke? Earth to Luke? Are you feeling okay?  you've been staying here lately that's not normal anymore." Ashton sat beside me along with his pizza, I'm pretty sure that's normal for everyone

"Sorry I'm lost what was it again?" I looked outside the window and watched the stars shine reminds me of Taylor's eye though.. I saw some fans outside waving at us and cheering I chuckled at the sight of how amazing they are

"you missed 2 interviews! for crying out loud just snap out it we all know you're upset for the fact that Taylor is pregnant and you're not the father of it." I bit my lip ring and looked at him nervously but I have to say it...I can't keep this a secret any longer I hate the fact that other dudes are claiming her

"...uhm"I mumble I looked at him, I started to fidget my fingers in front of him

"you're hiding something."he glares at me while he stuff his pizza on his mouth, he put his face nears me until my nose is touching the oily bun of the pizza

"what? no I'm not hiding anything at all." I rolled my eyes and picked up another slice of pizza although I don't feel like eating another pizza I'm about to puke, this is bad this is making my stomach go nuts this is so hard to hide

"I know you Luke, you're like a little brother to me."he smiles comforting me he started to set aside the box of meal we we're supposed to eat so that he could just focus onto me, I hate it when someone would stare at me directly and just literally give questions.

"uhmm.."I sighed then looked at him and I can tell his starting to get worried, I'm already starting to sweat all over here for crying out loud!

"you know you're so obvious when you try to hide things from us, with all that sweating and fidgeting all of us can read you."Ashton chuckled at me he gave me a reassuring smile but this isn't enough, but I couldn't really take it anymore I need to do something so that I'll be able to take care of Taylor.

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