Chapter 2

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Michael frowned as he sat at the living room thinking about what had happened last night, the fact that he knew what Luke did.. some things are better left unsaid first

Luke's POV

done taking a bath feels it took me like an hour though but I feel so fresh

I wore my white t-shirt that says DEAD on it, it's my favorite shirt ever since Ashton bought me this on my birthday but i rarely wear it since i have to wear the outfits that are available backstage, I matched my shirt with my signature ripped skinny jeans, I went out of my room and saw Michael staring at me as if he knows all of my sins what is this church?

I headed out and bid my goodbyes to Calum and Ashton who's sitting at the couch along with Michael 

they shurgged and all groaned in unison then waved goodbye back at me I rolled my eyes at them and just continued my way outside.

I didn't bother looking at my way since I don't want any girls nor boys even paparazzi to see me since they ask so many questions and hurts like hell 

It starting to get cold here in New York

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry ! I didn't mean to!" a girl blurted out she bumped me real good hurting the side of my abdomen

"Oh no it's my fault I'm truly sorry...—wait.. Taylor?" shit ...this is bad..shit this is really bad it's all coming back again

"Uhm do I know you ?" it's a good thing she doesn't remember a thing, thank you Lord!

"It's me Luke don't you remember from last night ?"I asked noticing how pale she is, wait why did I tell her my name?

"Oh Luke ! you were with Michael right ?" she giggles I noticed her staring right at me there something on my face? Oh god I hope it's not the ketchup I ate along my way here jeez

"yeah..."I mumble

"what happened last night by the way ?" she asked oh my gosh she doesn't know it's good thing? is it really a good thing..

"It was amazing..." Jeez what was I thinking ?! I'm getting nervous and shit I need to get out of this hot sit

"uggghh" she groaned in pain and I noticed that she's getting weak..

"are you okay ? Taylor?" I grabbed her waist cause she's about to fall, she completely stumbled..

"it's just my really hurts like I'm on my period but it's much more painful!" She squeals is pain

"you really are turning pale you need to go to...uhh? Taylor?? Taylor?!" Oh man Oh man I feel like carrying a dead girl oh shit I'm gonna have a panic attack and how come people doesn't even notice us like what the fuvk? we're both famous oh well that doesn't really matter doesn't it, I need to get this woman in a hospital as soon as possible

She's cold people around us just looked at me and Taylor

Taylor's POV

"Is she okay ?" I heard people talking how long was I out I wanted to open my eyes but I can't I just can't 

"she's fine she just need rest and have a break in her career she can't push herself with her petite body." career? I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be the one ending Rick's whole career?what are they talking about? I tried to move my hand but my body feels so numb, every inch of my muscle does.

"shh she's waking up." waking up? are you kidding me?! I can't even open my eyelids you dumb fuck, but it's cute wait is this normal?

I can hear the snaps and lights flickering around me, am I in a hospital or outside of the hospital? I can't tell

"No cameras!" someone shouted wait so we're    inside? how the hell did they get inside? what is this? those stories that I read in wattpad?

I was finally able to move my hand onto my stomach again I can feel it burning inside me I opened my eyes slowly, finally I can see Luke in front of me watching me his eyes starred at mine and the way he smile makes my day wonderful though it's awful after what happened earlier, so basically I'm inside the hospital, hearing some chit chats outside the room,

"oh good you're awake."he gave me water to drink to, I feel so dehydrated after overthinking

"what happened?" I asked moving my body a bit to feel comfortable with the position I'm in right now is very uncomfortable 

"you fainted..then I brought you here." he took the glass from me and just sat there silently, you could've at least brought me home genius, you just gon' make me pay bills here sis.

"mhmm"I mumble feeling disappointed, I looked around my environment and there was no one else but me and Luke.

"uhm good news and bad new." he suddenly blurted out I looked at him in the eyes those eyes it's like staring at the the ocean it's blue damn, i wanna poke them and see if its that okay? i hope its okay...

"what's the bad news?"I sighed and just laid back

"you need a hiatus."he whispers, what am I? one direction or fifth harmony for you? 

"what do you mean I need a hiatus? I just had my big break earlier this year, and I need to finish the current album I'm working this is why I'll be having my tour soon!"I ask

"ask the doctors" he said I feel like I failed my fans all over again, I just want them happy why can't I give them what they want? 

"what's the good news?" I perked up just to lighten up everything at least this better be a great news rather than a good news.

"you're........pregnant.." he awkwardly smiled at me as if he looked like he was joking and since when is being pregnant a good news? maybe for some people it is but I'm carrying an actual person inside of me? and who's father is this? I can't wait and slap the shit out of this dude, wait why do I seem okay with this! I'm so not okay with this!

"you're joking right? please tell me you're joking Luke." he just stared at me looking lost, I couldn't believe this.. how did I became pregnant? is this about last night? I certainly didn't touch a man for the past few months

"I'm not joking Taylor." he looked at me dead in the eyes with the frown painted on his lips "this is serious, I have to go now Taylor we'll see more of each other around." He stood up from his chair his sitting at and looked back at me one more than with just a simple yet elegant smile.

"How will I be able to explain everything to my manager? to my friends and especially to my family and another will I be able to raise this child without knowing who the father is?"

My doctor came in with a clipboard over his arm writing stuffs and i wouldn't care the least ?

"Taylor you're free to go after 1 week you just need a little more rest, you're really in need of more water since your body is full of toxins you need to cleanse all of that if you want to keep that baby of yours healthy." My doctor said just staring straight at his clipboard still writing stuff

"Am I really pregnant?"I asked him and just he chuckled then looked at me happily

"Yes, Taylor you are pregnant, anyways where's that man earlier? was he the father ? I need to talk to him again so that he could be able to help you out." I just stayed quiet stunned, him looking like a father he looks like a 15 years old for me but damn I wouldn't mind calling him daddy as well

(another new edited chapter? I'm actually working with everything here since I'm dedicating this whole book for my girlfriend Carlie! what a coincidence ya know why  I mean if you've read the first chapter you'll know why it was supposed to be Cara but then i made sure it someone really close to her)

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