chapter 4

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Taylor's POV

everything went well I started to eat too much food and starting to gain a few pounds that's a great a thing ugh oh well today is my last interview for this year then the next day I won't have any contacts to anyone except for my best friends

"Taylor you there ?"that might be Rachel my interviewer is here already I straighten up my dress I'm starting to have an obvious bump hoping that its not that obvious enough for the interview.

"Hey!!" Rachel said as she goes in with a crew of camera men and some staffs around her they set up the place to prepare a live interview with me.

"Hi Rachel you gotta nice sassy dress " I said brushing my hair forward my ear the floor was ready and everything was quickly on set she sat at the chair with her legs crossed showing a bit of her thighs and with my opinions I think that is sexy

"thanks Taylor same as your dress too!, so how have you been?"she asked with a goofy smile I noticed her eyes roamed around my dress is she judging me? this bitch better be not I mean i judge her in a pretty good way, better be fair to me

"you're always welcome, I'm fine feeling great for the past few weeks I think?"I sighed rolling my eyes and just laughed it off like I always do

"that's good to hear Taylor so how'd you feeling about your last tour this year?" I took a deep breath cause I really can't believe it..that Ill have to end things in a different way

"Sad.."she frowns and put her hand over my legs to rub it off 

"Why?" Rachel looked at me in the eyes curiously, is it not obvious enough for you to see how much pain this is giving me? I guess I have to explain everything.

"Cause It's the end of my tour this year again and I'll never get to see my fans and it's hard for me I really love it when I see them smile, their smile gives me the strength to work hard and give them all I've got in me" I smiled and I can feel the tears in my eye, but I have to be strong this will be my last interview  I mean at least? since once I gave birth I can go back with music, I'll be just focusing with writing some new songs

"why is your tour about to end ? like your tour just started at the same time ended quickly,why the rush Swift?" she chuckles yeah I see what you did there Rachel nice pun, but this is putting me in a hot seat, not everyone knows I'm pregnant but this is the time to tell the world I'm am getting tired at some of my fans complaining...

"It's''s the doctors prescription." I bit my lip I can't tell them I'm pregnant just yet I'm gon give it a lil moment into it first 

"what happened?"She gasped with a fake shock expression, she really is great with this she better be an actress than this honestly

"well it started back when I was walking on the streets of New York then accidentally bumped on Luke from 5 seconds of summer ,then we started having a lil chit chat then my eyes got a lil blur then the next thing I know I'm in the hospital" I chuckled remembering him leaving me all alone it actually hurts I don't know why, there's something about him that I want to found out but then it feels like I know him already its just no there in my head anymore... this is making me so sad 

"ohhh do you have you know feelings a little bit feelings for him?" I laughed cause I can't ever fall in love with a boy again unless his a man.

"No I can't well a little but not that much I don't know maybe ? I can't explain plus I just met him at my birthday party." I faked laughed What am I saying ? What the hell is going on inside my head again? is this my pills?

"why can't you? are you feeling in love already?" she said and that just hit me

I don't love him that way, I just met him in the first place? he looks so pure and innocent he doesn't deserve me at all..I'm just someone who'll write a song about you, about us well at least that's how i got entitled with.

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