Chapter 5

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3 months later (March)

Taylor's POV

After all that concert I never felt so much ease, lately I have been eating tons and tons of vegetable, I have been working out as well that is related to this child that I'm bearing, it's been 3 months and yet I still don't know who's the father of this kid and it's somehow stressing me out, how can I raise a child on my own? Especially that I'll be back with my tour soon once I'm able to give birth...

"Taylor honey! it's time to eat dinner."my mum called out gad it felt like when I was a teenager again, but this time it's different I'm going to be a mother and my mom is going to be a grandmother, I wish dad is here but right now he's somewhere out there just watching me and my family 

I went downstairs just to get greeted by the welcoming smell of my mum's beef stew and her specialty chicken curry, and of course there's always salad and that'll be right after all of this dishes, my mum greeted me as she sets down her final dish, her ultimate Texan fried chicken!

"Well luv, it's not much of a dinner but, someone is coming over tonight and I hope that this is enough for us?"My mom questioned and honestly I wasn't even aware of this surprised visitor we usually get visited by our family across the country but not a night like this, I mean it's just who would come at a time like this?

*ding, dong*

"Ah! that must be him, c'mon Taylor luv open the door for me will you? while I finish everything over here and make our guess feel like he's home."My mum smiled at me and continued doing some small decorations with the dishes, as I went my way to the very lobby of our house there at the front door I stood with my long night gown

slowly I opened the door and there where he stood, with broad shoulders and flowers on is hands and it wasn't just any other flowers, it's a bouquet of hydrangeas, he just stood there with a wide smile painted on face and his eyes looking like it's a blue paradise, he knew I was checking him out as his smile turned into a smug.

"Hey."Luke said and seriously all of that and he just said 'hey?' did he just made my mom cook for us? why does it feel like something is going on in here and my mum is hiding something from me? I'm going to find this out real soon

"Luke? what a surprise! you've got my favorite'd you know about this?"I asked probably my mom said this to him, his facial stern expression changed into a cute shy boy like he's been cut or something

"'s embarrassing but, I did a little research over you and oh god it sounds bad.."he looked away and just starred over his feet like a kid, honestly I think that's sweet of him for a moment there I thought he asked my mom no wonder the bags over his eyes

"you're sweet." I smiled and honestly that's all I could say, it felt cold and after that it was just an awkward silence between the two of us, I felt embarrass with my action and I didn't know what to do, it felt like I broke him

"you look beautiful with that night gown."He said with a genuine smile plastered on his sweet face, and this just made my stomach jump up and down this is sensational, this feeling is or is it just the cold night and the breeze of the cool air coming all together?

"Luke why won't you come inside?"I said I held his hand and gently pulled him inside of the house where its warm and cozy, he gave me his bouquet and honestly I don't know how am I going to express myself when, I'm feeling like I'm top of my head right now

"your hands are really soft." he mumbles over to himself and just simply held it tighter, and I just smiled and held his long fingers and I'm surprised that is longer that mine, currently the air inside the living room currently filled with mixed dishes and you can't guess which is which

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