Chapter 7

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It's been 2 months...Taylor hasn't tweeted me back... Well for awhile..I've been focused on writing songs with the boys plus today is our first interview at Good Morning America

5sos P.O.V

"ey Luke fix your hair please?" Michael said with his blue hair shining and it shimmers

"ey dye your hair from it's original color please" I said to him laughing he frowned and put up his middle finger to me and I did the same at his face

"Okay boys ready on set ?" one of the crew said leading us to the stage, the path sure was very dark kinda creeps me

The crowd was roaring the name of my band started from the buttom now we're here I smiled waving at them

"Hello boys" the host said giving us a big welcome and a big nice warm hug

We already toured all around the world and got stopped by at New York

"So how's the tour ?"the host said leaning at his table

"It was fun" Cal said swinging around his chair I tapped him at his shoulder but he shrugs it off cause his being too childish

"All the fans runned into Ashton cause we left him behind" Michael said tapping Ashton's back ,Ashton got left behind he was being slow so Michael have this weird crazy idea of leaving him behind that I clearly did disagreed on with but I guess it was pretty funny

"Wow just wow what happen to you Ashton?" the host laughing then looks toward at Ashton who was blushing a bit

"They freaking left me alone I was carrying a lot of stuff expecting Luke to help me but I was just there standing then I saw Luke  he was at the window waving at me like Wtf Luke?"He frowns at me

"What it was funny but don't put the blame on me"I said laughing I pointed at Michael giving him the idea that it was him

"pfft Luke"he groaned

"So you just stood there oh my ghad you guys are just so mean?" the host said drinking a cup of his coffee

"No, I tried to catch up!"Ashton explained

"I was sleeping so I'm not part of this" Cal said with his hands up

"So boys have you heard Taylor Swift is pregnant" the boys then started starring at me giving the looks again everytime someone mention her name

"Why is she part of this?"I faked laughed

"Well you guys were at her party and their are alot of rumors that says that Luke you're the father"the host said everyone gasped and so was the boys being faked surprise

"Well! Its a good thing its just rumors" Michael quickly said

"Can I go to the bathroom ?" I said

"No, Luke you stay here and hear what's he's going to ask" Ashton said, I started getting nervous they all looked at me in the eye..

"Fine" I sat down crossed my arms and looked at the ceiling

"uhm can we go back to our question?" the host said

"Yes" I said fast

"Do you guys know what happen to her ?" My phone suddenly vibrated...and it was Taylor!

"Uhm I gotta answer this ?"I said thank God the pressure is torturing me

"you can" the host said, I runned at the backstage

"Hello?"I asked

"Luke! I'm sorry I haven't been calling you or texting you"she said in the other line

" to explain?."I said

"I'm sorry"

"Wh-where are you?,I need to find you"

"No Luke focus then you'll can"she said softly

"Oh sorry sure why'd you call me all of the sudden" I smiled the fact that I was able to hear her voice again

"After all the questions all of my conclusions all of your denials"she laughs at the other line "to be honest you being nervous at everytime you get ask about me it all sums up"she sighs shit does she know?!

"What do you mean"I faked laugh

"Luke if I ask you will you deny me also like you did to every interview?"shit she's serious

"No...of course not..."I said

"Then Luke why'd you keep on denying! Are you ashamed of me ! Or are you ashamed of your OWN KID!"my world trembled should I be honest

"...Taylor..I..I am not ashamed ...who told you"I gulped

"Of course"she laughs

"Look Taylor le-let me explain"I said my tears are building up who told Taylor

"I've heard enough"she sighs"it was your payed so called girlfriend of yours by the way"She ended her call alright the anger running up to my veins of course it was Arzaylea

I runned back at the stage I looked at Ashton giving a sign that we have to finish the interview fast before I could kill someone

"Who was it Luke?" Ash said

"Oh uhm a-a friend" I sniffed Ashton knew something is wrong

"Mhmm"he mumbles

"We got 5 seconds of summer here live on Good Morning America ! we'll know see them perform 1 song! live"

few moments later Michael started taking the lead

"Hi! were 5 seconds of summer and this is our new single Amnesia"Michael smiles I could just scream this isn't the right time to be singing, this is the right time to be on the floor and crying myself until I fell asleep, my tears are starting to build up and oh dear god! Great song of selection amnesia! It could have been disconnected or heartache on a bigscreen, the only aching right now is my head and my heart as well

We sang the whole some until we were all finished I know I  cracked every time I cry it affects my voice, but I can't handle this pain right now I really need to go and find Taylor myself then

"Thank you New York!" Michael said giving the crowd flying kisses all around

"It's a lovely day to hang out with all of you !" I said waving them goodbye, why do I have to keep on lying this day isn't lovely at all! This day is very much devasting

New updates hope you all enjoy sassy Taylor🙊😌

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