008. The Stone Fist

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008───────ஐ〰ฺ・:*:・✿the stone fist


     It could've been worse, much worse. Already, on this gods-forsaken quest, Lila's seen enough variations of multitudes of mix-matched limbs and body parts to last her a long lifetime. If she never sees a three-faced man, or a triple-headed dog again, she'll count her blessings and sacrifice to whoever is the god of weird body parts (she suspects that might be Pan) like a good, virtuous demigod. She'll cut her burgers and pizzas and cakes into two  halves that aren't really halves —  more a quarter and three quarters, and make sure to burn the larger portion for the gods. 

       So at least Geryon has a normal head. He could have two faces like Janus, fighting with each other for control of the body and the personality. Two entirely separate heads like Orthus, the budget-Cerberus who hasn't stopped his vicious growls since the moment they arrived, saliva dripping from his gums like a snake dripping venom. Geryon could've had a cows upper half, like some sort of mutant Minotaur, only worse and far, far more horrifying — just imagining it makes her wince. A hundred hands like Briares. At least he has a normal head — a human one. 

        However, he also has three chests. It's hard to explain — like explaining how an octopus has eight tentacles. Lila can't even comprehend it at first, her mind dislocating from her eyes like some sort of glitching retro television. From the head to the neck, it's all humanoid, nothing out of the ordinary — and then it splits off into three chests, each dressed in a different colour Hawaiian shirt; red, orange, green — like a traffic light, blaring and glowing aggressively. 

      He then has two normal arms (if you ignore the fact that he has two empty armpits) and two legs that join up all three chests. 

     Lila's mouth drops open, probably making her look like a gaping duck. She blinks, wondering if this is all some strange dream — she pinches herself, her blunt nails barely making a scratch. Still, nothing happens. Totally awake. What in Hades?

      Eurytion glares over at Percy, his gaze hotter than the scorching sun — and not in a good way; in a tired, exasperated way. Like he's tired of them already. "Say hello to Mr Geryon."

      "Hi," Percy says, completely unphased by the sight of a three-chested man. Is this completely normal for him? From the way he's turning up his nose, you'd think that he sees people like Geryon every week while walking around New York. Maybe he met another three-bodied man while taking the subway or something.

       Meanwhile, Lila is freaking out. Three chests? Why does he need three? Does he have three hearts, too? And six lungs? Can he hold his breath underwater for longer? Can he play the flute super well? 

      "Nice chests " — Percy blinks furiously, as if registering what he's just said out loud. — "ranch! Nice ranch you have here."

       Ah, so she's not the only person a little unnerved. Percy's just far better at hiding it. As if sensing her growing unease, he turns to grin, the corner of his lip turning up a bit. He even reaches for her hand — she grips his tightly, squeezing. Then he turns back to the ranch owner, all traces of his smile gone. 

       The three-chested man stares at the five campers, evidently trying to find something to say. His lips part in something similar to shock — but more controlled, a tight rein kept on all his emotions. Lila tries to force a smile onto her face, though she feels as though she's baring her teeth in a strange, awkward wolfish grin that will only creep Geryon out. But as long as she's not exuding the message: "hey! you have three chests and it's super freaky!", all should be well. 

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