014. Sic Semper Tyrannis

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14. sic semper tyrannis

ETHAN had changed a lot since Lila last saw him. Retaining that rugged, gloomy aura that had kept many of the other kids at camp away, he has somehow grown into it. When Lila had known him, he had had both of his eyes, and they had always seemed to glower at the surrounding campers as if daring them to approach. Now, with one eye missing, it suits him better — his other eye seems deeper and darker, another endless abyss, while the eyepatch he wears makes him look a little like an intimidating pirate, in Lila's expert opinion. 

All things considered, Lila's not sure whether to be intimidated, amused or simply bemused by the new Ethan. Sure, he's grown into himself a little, and he now towers over her measly height of five foot five. Maybe he's gained a few skills with a sword, even if Lila was too delirious for most of the duel to take much notice of it. Even though he's become so much scarier and so much stronger in the months past, he's still Ethan. He's still the boy who helped her get revenge on that Athena kid who made fun of Silena, or the Hermes kid who kept stealing their stuff. 

Lila leans against the wall. "Ethan." Wow, she sounds awkward. Maybe she should just stop talking. 

"Lila," he mutters, rolling his eyes. "What do you think you're doing?"

"What do you think you're doing?" she ripostes, jabbing a finger into his stomach. "Running off with Luke, joining Kronos — "

He shoves her hand away, irritation flashing across his face, though he reels it back quickly enough. "I haven't joined anything. Yet." 

"Oh, yet," she stresses with a roll of her eyes. How can he not see what Luke is becoming? What Kronos is? Ethan's been hunted his whole life, and suddenly he wants to fight beside them? Lila's sure she's imagining this, because there is no logical explanation. Gods, she sounds like Annabeth. "Not yet. Why would you even want to join them in the first place? Don't you know what they are —" her voice is rising rapidly in pitch, and Lila worries she's about to lose herself to hysterics. 

"Of course I know what they are," Ethan snaps. "Don't act like you know more than me, just because you're suddenly given a great quest and Percy Jackson pays you a second glance for once." 

Lila's heart thuds violently in her chest, and she's not sure whether it's from anger or hurt. Possibly a mingled mix of both. "I'm trying to help you." 

(Why will nobody listen to her? First Nico, now Ethan — even Hecate and her own mother. Is Lila really that repulsive?) 

"Nobody can help anyone," he spits, glowering. "Don't be naive."

There's something in his tone that really boils Lila's blood. She's not naive just because she thinks that people can change for the better, just because she's trying to help him. It's strikingly unfair. 

"You're the naive one," Lila snaps back. "Do you really think Luke cares about you? I bet he doesn't even know your name." 

He seethes, fists clenching. Annabeth, Percy and Rachel are huddled in the corner whispering among themselves — Lila hopes they can't hear this conversation. "I don't care if he knows my name. You're one to talk, anyway — remember when he left you alone in the Hermes cabin when you were twelve?" 

That's a low blow. "Why —" 

"I'm making a change," he says. There's a steely look in his eye that makes Lila think that perhaps he's chosen this path for himself. He's choosing not to listen to her. Somehow, that hurts more than if he'd been forced. "We're changing the world for the better." 

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