013. The Earth Mother's Son

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013───────ஐ〰ฺ・:*:・✿the earth mother's son

    RACHEL ELIZABETH DARE IS the sort of person Lila would have been too scared to approach if she saw her around school or the city, but would admire from afar. When they reach the meeting point, she's standing in front of the Marriott Marquis, painted completely gold, every inch of her person gilded in aureate paint. Her cerise-shaded hair peeks out beneath the golden paint, causing the paint to reflect in different shades of rose-gold and amber. Rachel looks like the sort of person who would skip school to graffiti buildings with stunning art, or collect old records and black-and-white movies. 

      She's standing with four other students, about her age, all painted varying shades of metal. The bronze boy catches Lila's eye and the corner of his lip quirks up, but that's the only movement any of them make. They're completely frozen on their pedestal, immune to the gaping tourists and confused children. 

      A sign at Rachel's feet reads URBAN ART FOR KIDS, DONATIONS APPRECIATED. 

      That's pretty cool. 

      They stand there for a few minutes, but Rachel doesn't move. Annabeth seems to get angrier the longer they wait, face contorting with displeasure. "Maybe if we push her over," Annabeth suggests, a nasty smile on her face growing. 

       Lila's eyes widen, but Rachel doesn't react, still standing like a statue. One guy in bronze steps up to the podium, and the guy who'd smiled at Lila steps off. He's cute, with blond hair that's completely covered in bronze paint, and tan skin. Lila grins at him — he grins back. 

        He then walks over to talk to them, and Lila malfunctions,  unprepared for actual socialising. "Hey," he says. "Nice to meet you." 

       Lila says nothing. Annabeth elbows her. "Uh, you too." 

      "I'm Garrett," he says with a grin. Lila automatically smiles back — he just has that infectious energy that makes you want to smile. "You're waiting for Rachel, right?"

    "Yeah," Lila nods. She can't think of anything else to say, but thankfully he picks up the conversation before an awkward pause fills the space. 

      "She gets off soon," he assures them. "I was just — well, you're really pretty," Lila blushes incredibly red — gods, this is so embarrassing, what's she supposed to say to that? Nobody has ever really said that to her before. Oh, Lila is pretty sure her heart is beating twice it's normal speed, and she doesn't dare look at Percy or Annabeth. "So here's my number," he finishes, handing her a piece of paper. "Call me, I guess. If you want." 

      Lila's brain is short-circuiting. "... Thank you, uh . . . I'm Lila."

       "Nice meeting you, Lila," he grins, before turning and walking away, disappearing into the crowd despite being painted bronze. 

       After a pause for her mind and mouth to catch up, Lila turns back to Annabeth and Percy, who are staring at her — one is grinning, the other looks — well, never mind. "He was nice." She blushes again. She's not sure if she's more embarrassed that Percy saw all that or that he actually called her pretty. It's a little odd to admit, but being complimented by strangers is definitely a mood lifter. She tucks the number into her pocket. 

       Percy's eyes narrow. "You're keeping it?"

       "Yeah," Lila says, confused (and maybe a little defensive). She's still a little hurt by the almost-kiss the day before. "Why not?"

      "He's a mortal," Percy hisses, looking horrified. Lila sinks a little — he's right, Garrett is a mortal, but . . . 

      "So's Rachel," Annabeth cuts in, glaring at Percy. "You have her number, don't you?" Her tone is so accusatory that Percy takes a shocked step backwards. Lila nods in agreement, though she's not sure whether Annabeth is backing her up because of her dislike for Rachel, or otherwise. 

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