007. The Silent City

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The climb upwards from the Underworld is worse than the descent, for two reasons. 

First, because while the descent was terrifying for the anxiety incited by what they were about to encounter, and what they would have to do there - what Percy would have to do - what awaits them on the surface is even worse. Percy may be almost indestructible right now, but they both know Kronos is preparing to march his army through New York as they walk. Worse - he may already have begun. They could be too late. 

Second, because they are climbing upwards. Lila's trained at the camp for many years, so she's not weak by any means - especially recently, she's been working hard. Yet, while she may be able to scale a climbing wall of lava, the upwards climb that seems endless is almost impossible. It's not so much of a climb as a mountain to walk up, but it's steep and rocky. Multiple times she nearly topples backwards and has to be pulled back up by Percy. Sometimes he trips, too, but he's quicker to regain his balance than her. 

Mrs O.Leary bounds ahead of them - when she gets too far away, she runs all the way back, and then runs forward again. She has far too much energy. 

"You good?" Percy pants, gripping her hand tightly as he pulls her up a particularly steep part of the climb. 

She nods. "You?" She's too tired for full sentences. 

"Yeah," he stares at her for a little longer, a strange emotion in his eyes. Lila recognises it, but she can't name it. 

"Are you - " she stops to catch her breath again, "- are you sure?"

He furrows his brows. 

"You're looking ... at me weirdly." 

She's sure he's blushing, though the dark cave makes it hard to be sure. "Sorry." 

She shrugs as they help each other over the next rocks. "Is something wrong?"

"No," he grins lopsidedly, "Should we take a break? You look tired."

"Sure," Lila agrees gratefully, too tired to make a joke about it, instead sitting on a tiny ledge on the side of the wall. "We could try calling Annabeth."

"Hm, good idea." he grabs his phone, dialling. "What should we tell her?"

"I don't know," Lila admits. "Something about the trap?"

"I don't want to cause panic..."

"What about just asking her to bring the campers to Olympus?"

"Oh, good idea," he agrees. The call goes to voicemail, so he leaves a message with those words, saying virtually nothing. Knowing Annabeth, she's probably freaking out right now, but hopefully Grover got to camp and was able to talk to her. 

They must be halfway to the surface now, but Mrs O. Leary returns and starts licking Lila's face, which is surprisingly cooling, though also a bit gross. But - well, Lila just pats her head gently. He holds his hand out to her, helping her to her feet. 

By the time they finally emerge onto the surface, Lila must be sweaty and disgusting, and her legs are aching. She's not even sure she'll be able to fight in the war at this rate. Percy looks tired too, but perhaps the curse of Achilles gave him some extra strength as he's able to pull her out of the tiny crack, where she lies on the dewy grass and breathes in the cool air. Percy chuckles, calling Annabeth again - Lila doesn't listen to the conversation, but he fills her in when it's finished. 

"They're on their way - she said to meet her at the Empire State Building," he says. "Let's go." 

Lila pulls herself to her feet, linking her hand in his. "It's like, late afternoon. We should get something to eat. We can get a taxi over to Fifth Avenue." 

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