book 1 part 2 making a family.

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Mel ling had stepped out of her home. Her eyes still red and puffy from the tears glancing towards the sky she wished she could see to look and gaze at the stars.

"Those are stars they're bright tonight" a came a gentle child voice.

"Whos there!" She shouted spinning around to find the voice or at least face them

"Im zuko. Ozai son well bastard of a son. Im weak to him and azula."

"Seriously! He's being a jerk to you too!" She stopped feeling upset anger inside of her boiled as zuko told her everything and how his mother was gone or dead because of him. If there's any words to describe the blind girl it's that she was fumming and i mean she was about to explode. "Go on in and go to my room you can rest there I'll sleep in the living room ok sweetie" zuko nodded going inside to her room. Mel ling stormed inside stood where ozai was and let him have it.


Ozai smirked "if you talk calmly i will listen" he eyed her carefully wondering if the woman will go off on another tyrant of anger.

"Alright. You have two kids. Boy and girl. But you favor your daughter more than your son. And your ex favored your son more than your daughter which brought up tension between the family. You banished your ex and you're going to do the same to your son but here's what i suggest you three live here as much as it pains me to say it. But while you're here you spend the time with zuko and i will spend time with azula"

Ozai pondered this somehow this woman was getting to him. "Alright when i start?" He asked simply.

"Now! Hes upstairs so go!" Ozai nodded stood up and went upstairs. Azula came out with tears Mel ling could tell.

"What's wrong?" She asked kindly.

"I had a nightmare"


I had woken up from a horrible nightmare my mother called me a monster i just wanted to be loved by her like she loves zuko. I ran out and saw that blind woman i despised her she was nice to zuko but mean to my father! She noticed i was crying being blind gives her great senses.

She turned in my direction her soft carefree voice filled the air. "What's wrong" she had asked me. She asked me of all people with a gentle voice! Why would she do that?

"I had a nightmare" i simply said telling the truth. She sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to her. I sat next to her. "Ok tell me about your dream sweetie"

"Well were at the palace and my mom is giving affection to zuko but when i want her affection too she pushes me away yells at me calling me a monster saying im just like my dad. I just i want my mother to love me but that wont happen!" She cried again.

"Shhhh it's ok it's ok" she cooed holding me my head against her chest as she held me tightly giving me kind words i dont know what came over me but i felt happy i hope she stays forever because she's the only  the one who doesnt see me as evil im not evil i want to be loved too.


I had been up in mel lings room with zuko. Zuko had looked nervous as he peered around grabbing a stuffed animal and holding it close to him i forgot he was a child sometimes azula too.

"Zuko" i said in my demanding voice wait no i should try a more gentle approach maybe. See what that gives him.

"Zuko" i said gently looking at my son as he peered at me eyes widening. "Yes fire lord?" "Dad call me dad" zuko nodded.

"I've treated you rude and wrong so i want to get to know you. Something was brought to my attention I've given more attention to azula than you so what do you like?"

Zuko pondered for a bit unsure of what to say before giving me a smile like he gave his mother. "I enjoy playing with the turtle ducks and the bearcats! I like reading and making pictures though i suck at it. And i do like listening to stories. I like spicy foods and i always wanted my own turtle duck for a pet. I dont like using my bending for violence i want to use it to protect my family. To protect you azula uncle iroh. The fire nation. I know i only spoke out because I wanted to ensure everyone is safe. I deserved this burn"  He gestured to his eye which i had caused. I felt bad utterly horrible my own son.

"Did you draw anything?" I asked as he nodded handing me a paper. I took it and opened it it was me and him. I was holding him laughing he was too it was a great picture of us together he drew and colored.

I stared at it and placed it neatly into my inner shirt. "Zuko im keeping this its amazing i never knew you had talent" come on lets go see azula lets have family time ok. I held my hand out to him as he took it. I stood up picking him  up and walking down the steps i heard mei and azula laugh something in my heart stirred as we reached them. Zuko jumped out of my arms and ran over to them jumping in mei lings arms too as azula pushed him playfully. And whispered to him. Which we all heard she can be loud.

"I think we have a new mom one that loves us both. You think she'll fall for dad too?"

"Let's get them together!" Zuko smiled.

I smiled wow i never did but this woman is making me into something i dont know i ever was. Someone kind.

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