book 1 part 3 ozai's date

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Ozai smiled at the snow white haired woman sleeping next to him; he could never figure out how he fell for her; getting up he grabbed the scroll he took from his archives. Reopening and reading it over again; but something new came to light.

The woman who can see; will tell you who's an enemy and who's plotting a death on a person; if you are royalty and she's your future bride; this young woman will tell you; when you and if you are going to be a subject of murder; beware if she chooses to tell you; she'll gain abilities to keep you safe; but can you keep her safe; to keep her safe you must sign your name under in blood. On the next full moon.

Rolling up the scroll ozai placed it in pocket; wearing a simple fire nation outfit instead of his Royal one; moving towards the bed he leans down; brushing a lock of hair from mei lings face and kissing her cheek: "wake up" he said in his smooth voice as blue eyes fluttered open. As she bolted upright her fist colliding with his face as she screamed "MAN IN MY ROOM!"

Ozai falling back into a table before regaining his composure; signed. "Mei ling, ozai; your boyfriend!"

"Oh" she said giggling before standing up and making her way over to him; wrapping her arms around his torso before looking into his light brown eyes and smiling; ozai was tall. Long black hair light brown eyes that indicated the sun; toned abs. He surely was handsome. While she was pale skinned; unruly white hair; bright blue eyes that ozai found himself lost in admiring the small blue sky within her eyes. Thick thighs and a cute chubby stomach; he adored how she didn't try to be something she's not; he loved her body. "Get ready" nodding she did as she told; pulling on a light green dress and a red cover; placing on red shoes. "Why green? Green is earth nation"

"Green happens to be my favorite color" mei ling stated before grabbing a brush as ozai stopped her. "Please leave your hair the way it is" placing the brush down mei ling stood up. Interlocking her arm with his as they stepped out from the small home; the bussling street was louder than anyone could process. Moving closer mei ling smiled making her way through the crowd; now holding ozais hand their fingers interlocking; she stopped and pulled ozai to her kissing him in front of everyone; a person walked past giving them a strange look. Letting go she frowned before whispering in his ear; that man is planning to give you tea; don't drink it"

"Firelord ozai!, My name is sin lu! Care for a cup of hot jasmine tea?" Ozai shook his head before smiling. "Ah not today; my loyal subject; perhaps another time; I'm out with my future wife" he said pulling mei ling along and getting away from the person before whispering in her ear with shock. "How did you?"

Shrugging mei ling looked scared as she brought her arms to protect her face moving into a fetal position; her body shaking hard, her voice becoming small and cracking; scared of what's to come. "I I just I sensed something off; please don't"

Kneeling down before gently moving her arms from her face and gently wiping the tears from her face; lightly kissing her forehead. "Mei ling, you saved me, I'm sure he was planning on poisoning me; it's another part of the scroll I read about you; you're my savior today" nodding she whimpered still scared as she felt two small bodies collide with them as zuko said something that gave his father a concern; something he will definitely need to look into and find out. "Mei ling they can't hurt you anymore; your safe with us" zukos words rang out.

What did mei ling go through; what is she so scared of that even a simple touch if she doesn't know the person or can't tell who it is makes her flinch; how does zuko know? Azula sensing something with her father whispered in zukos ear as they both nodded to each other.

Mei Ling still scared didn't move from her spot as she frowned to herself; she hating being this way; but those people, those horrible people; they hurt her so badly; abused her. Until ozak found her; she's now terrified since they came back; scared because they can take her back and use her.

Ozai frowned and pulled her into his embrace and whispered to her gentle soothing words; his wraps hiding her into him as she slowly wrapped her arms around his torso before breathing him in. He felt fire rise up in him and not the passionate fire he feels towards her but the protective flame; the flames he'll use to protect her with his life. The full moon is tonight; looking up at the sky and seeing it get dark he smiled. "Hey shall we continue our date?"

Mei ling smiled before holding his hand and moving towards the places she loves to visit; ozai smiled buying her anything she wanted; she looked at the dresses and frowned all fire nation; no green. "Excuse me; you work here correct?" A man stood by a door and nodded while holding a bunch of dresses and men's outfits. "Yes i do fire lord; something wrong?"

"I need green dresses; anything green! Jewelry; clothing." Ozai said looking at mei ling who eyes beamed. "Sir we can't; green is earth nation; we can't simply:"

"Hire an earth nation worker then!"

"But sir!"

"Now! I'll send word to the earth nation I'm requesting green; my future wife here wants green; it's her favorite color; are you going to deny your queen?" The man gulped before gathering his messenger bird and writing a note with ozais signature.

Heading home ozai looked at the scroll and looked at the full moon; taking out a blade and slicing his hand he wrote his name in blood on the scroll. Now he's forever bound to her; he's going to find out what's she's scared of.

Looking at her sleeping form he sat next to her; watching her breath and smiling and a little light snoring. "I love you; I'm going to protect you" ozai said before bringing her close to him. Closing his eyes before hearing three words back.

"I love you"

(Ok so I want bring mei lings abuse to light here; mei ling is 25; before ozak took her in she was 4. Ozak was the one who saved her; I want to bring mei ling into light of being a person who is subjected to abuse; being scared. Ozai learning about her abuse and how she is and why these people did what they did.





Thank you all for enjoying my story.

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