The fight

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(Ok so this chapter is going to be one that might make my oc mei hate ozai. But i promise there is a reason for this its part of my plan for what i have in store for both.)

Mel ling stood out the cold winter night; she somehow had gotten into a huge fight with ozai and was proving a point to him that if he didnt care he wouldn't come out but if he truly did he would come out to her aid instantly

(earlier that day)

"what is with you!" mei ling shouted in the direction of ozai who just smiled amused at his girlfriend. Something this time! He knew it.

"i am not sure what you mean?" ozai smirked before pulling himself up toward mei ling and kissed her, mei ling pushed him off before yelling.

"YOU WERE FLIRTING WITH HER! That dumb waitress who claimed you were so hot!!! So good looking! She could see you! And you weren't even telling her to stop! Then y'all was so quiet!"

"and?" ozai looked angry at mei ling like he was about to explode at her. "so what? She could see me! So what if she kissed me and i actually enjoyed her being able to see me, you cant your fucking blind; sometimes i wish you could see me!"

"you dont love me?" mei ling sniffled her blue eyes watering. "mei ling i never said"

"no its fine! Maybe if go outside in nothing you'll fucking love me!"

"mei ling you wouldnt dare!"

"oh i would! I fucking would ozai! After all! Being blind IS MY FAULT!"

"mei ling! You walk out that door in the freezing cold and im not coming for you!"

"then it will prove my point!" mei ling shouted back before taking off everything except a pair of spandex shorts and her sports bra. She was completely barefooted as well.

Ozai obviously irritated at her tried to pulled her into him. Pushing past him mei ling walked right out the door. Going to the farest part of the house as she could. Standing in the deep snow arms crossed completely.

(back to now)

Mei ling shivered but she didnt care. If ozai truly cared he would make an effort to come to her aid. But no sign of him unti she smelled what seem to fire surrounding her warming her. "still doesnt prove anything"

"it doesnt?" ozais voice rang out his footsteps growing closer to mei ling. "i thought you could see?"

"for a bit but my eye sight is gone again"

"i can fix that" ozai stepped closer mei ling placed her hands up feeling a smooth body and realized. "ARE YOU NAKED?"

"no i have my spandex on"

"you could freeze"

"so could you"



"im proving a point!"

"yeah i am too" ozai pressed his lips to mei ling before picking her up and carrying her into their room laying mei ling on the bed he smiled and began to kiss her.

"i guess you do love me"

Ozai grumbled as he kissed and licked mei ling. Moving his hands down her spandex before moving them off her. "your mine" he growled before pulling her into him.

"ozai" breathed mei ling kissing him once more as they came together that night.

Mei ling woke up the next morning her blue eyes could see. She could see again. she could see!

Sitting ontop of ozai she giggled before moving her hips. "oh firelord"


"oh firelord?"

"mei ling dont be a tease"

"awe but i want to see your eyes!"

Ozai instantly opened his to see mei ling staring right at him. "you got really pretty golden eyes. Like fire"

"you can see?"

"Apparently when you love me my eyesight comes back"

"mei ling! I love you!"

"i love you too!"

Mei ling smiled gently as she touched his cheek.

Ozai knew he was in love; how far in love far enough he would do anything for mei ling. anything to keep her safe.

(sorry to cut this short! A new sequel is in the works for Megatron's innocent pet! Called flowers of love! It centers around lilly becoming more braver; showing her witchy side and actually learning more about that side of her and she adopted two kids twins not the look a like but born a few months apart. hopefully y'all enjoy it and this too!!!!)

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