Book 1 part 3

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Ozai hadnt realized much in his life; when his wife abandoned him and the kids; he figured the stress of being a queen/mother had taken its toll on her and she needed to get out, he would miss her deeply the woman he fell for. Yes they were arranged but he was falling for her; constantly buying her flowers! Her favorite snacks. Helping anyway he could. But it wasn't enough he was fighting a fight he couldn't win. He sat outside on the porch of the little old home that mei ling lives in. The girl had done a lot to him. She didnt need jewels or flowers although ozai wished he could get her some. He wants her to live in the palace with her but she doesnt want too; she wants to live where she is and he can't deny her that.

Ozai realized that maybe he didnt need to be so strict that maybe controlling such people isnt a good thing. He loved mei ling. Loved that she was gentle and sweet. Cared for his children and they loved her too. Lost in his own thought he didnt notice the small figure behind him.

Turning his head he smiled at the woman before him. "goodmorning" he spoke with a smile. Mei ling smiled before sitting on his lap wrapping her legs around him and kissing him gently.

"ozai" she said with such love in her voice. Mei ling truly loved him she hated herself when doubting him and she knew his stay was coming up soon. Mei ling hated the idea of him leaving her.

"please give the kingdom to someone else; please stay here with me! I cannot lose you; i lost to much in my life already, i am not ready to let you go. I understand that im asking you for to much but for me this is something that is eating at me; something that i would rather bring to you than keep it inside and let fester until exploded on you

I understand that maybe its too much; that maybe im a nuisance to you; probably more of a problem, but with you im happier; better. I found myself with in you.

You have brought a side of me out that i never i had so please dont leave me" she said with her head hung low. Smiling he lifted her head up to look at her sweet round face and gently kissed her. Bringing her closer to his embrace.

"I'll only be gone for 4 days; that should allow me to find someone_"

"and if you can't?!"

"then i rule from here; i would much rather be here"

"I'll come stay with you!" ozai shook his head and kissed her once more before holding her to him nuzzling his face into her snowy hair and kissing her temple looking up at the clouds the sun peaked through shining down upon them. He looked at her so small and beautiful not like his wife who left. Maybe this was fate. Maybe........."ozai? What the hell do you think Youre doing? And with that woman?!" mei ling and ozai turned to see a woman who stood tall. Wearing robes of yellow and sliver; her black hair done up in a tight neat bun. A stern look settled onto her face. Ozai turned still keeping his grip on mei ling who looked worried.

"mei ling, dont worry; shes only my past. I am not going to run into her arms; she left me years ago. I found myself in you!" he gently cupped her face before smiling. Turning to ursa and standing up while standing in front of mei ling. "get out of my sight! You left us! You left our children! Zuko and azula needed you!"

"oh im here now! Where are they!" ursa turned to see zuko and azula who stood in the doorway with shocked expressions. Before shouting "mom!" ursa smiled holding her arms out for the two who ran right past her and into mei ling arms hugging her tightly. "are you ok!" mei ling smiled and hugged them back. Before standing up. Her eyes narrowing as she walked to stand in front of ursa. If looks could kill ursa would be dead.

"how dare you!" she exclaimed with rage building in her body looking at the woman who caused ozai and his kids so much pain and anguish. This woman was an evil conieving bitch.

"how dare i? You say! You have no idea how hard it is to be queen ontop of being a mother! With kids i didnt even want! You think its so easy!" ursa screamed her face sctruning into pure rage mei ling huffed before pulling back and allowing her fist to collide with ursa nose a sickening crack was heard and ursa screamed before holding her bloodied broken nose. "you bitch!"

"yeah ok i am a bitch but i dont run out on my family when shit gets hard! You had kids! So fucking what! Being a queen is hard so fucking what! Get over it! Life isnt fucking easy. You dont get shit for free. You fucking earn that shit! Talk to me when you have nothing! And clearly by your looks you got the high life so leave!" mei ling shouted before taking the kids inside. Ozai following suit but was stopped by ursa. "your choosing her over me!" pushing her off he opened the door to his home and glanced at mei ling who was comforting the two crying kids holding them in her arms. Smiling he turned back to ursa "yes because she didnt run out" going inside and shutting the door on ursa he sat by them. Hugging them as well. "ursa isnt going to hurt any of you! I will get rid of her"

"no let her suffer; she wants a family that she left watching us is enough suffering for her; beside the kids need us more" ozai nodded before kissing her. His heart dreading that something bad would happen to mei ling.

Ursa was planing something; something huge and evil.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2023 ⏰

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