☁️🎵 B2J x gn!reader

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art above by gutrotz on twt!

just felt like writing some cute poly shit 🥺


You were rudely awakened by a hard jab to your gut, making your eyes shoot open and leaving you coughing. You looked down to see May out cold on your stomach, arms tightly wrapped around you. Ah shit, she'd snuck into your room again. Even if she was cute as hell, she was an absolute monster in her sleep. You very slowly escaped from her grip and snuck out of your room, where a delicious smell hit your nose. Stumbling towards the kitchen, you yawned as you walked in to see Zuke at the stove making whatever.

"Mornin' Sticks." You mumbled, planting your forehead on his back.

"Good morning (Y/N)," Zuke chuckled. "Get any sleep?"

"Yeah. But May tried to kill me in her sleep. Again."

"Yeah, she did that to me last night. Can you get out the plates? I made your coffee." You grunted and did just that, also pouring yourself the largest cup you could.

"How much bacon do you want?"

"A lot. As much as you can possibly give me. The whole pan." You half-joked dryly, making Zuke snort.

"Drink your coffee. And go wake May up." You gulped down half of your mug, instantly giving you a burst of energy that helped you race back tp your room. May still slept peacefully, snoring loudly and completely unaware what was coming to her.

"Angel eyes!" You shouted and dove onto the poor girl, throwing your arms around her.

"HUH!? What!?"

"Breakfast." You grinned and placed a fat kiss on her cheek.

"Ugh, you already smell like coffee." May giggled and pushed your face away. You persisted, knowing how much she hated coffee. Eventually your little playfight ended and you dragged her to the kitchen by her hand, your plates at the couch where Zuke sat, eating and watching the morning news.

"Thanks Zuke!" May exclaimed, digging in while you laid across them, you head resting on Zuke's shoulder and your legs on May's lap. More news about NSR, blah blah, nothing that really interested you.

"Oh oh oh! The Lights Up Auditions winner!" May pointed, making you actually pay attention. You squinted your eyes when a blast of colors burst from the screen, than showing a... mermaid girl thing.

"Huh. I've heard about these artificial singers, apparently they're pretty popular." Zuke slung his arm around you.

"She looks... cute! Bet her district's gonna look great."

"Ahhh I can't wait 'til the next auditions! We're totally gonna rock that!" May squealed. "A year from now is too long..." Finishing your coffee, you smiled and flopped your head into Zuke's lap.

"Hell yeah we are! NSR would be lucky to have us." You smirked. The next multiple hours was spent lazing around on the couch, watching random things with your partners.

Later, in Zuke's workshop, you tinkered with your bass in hopes of fixing the weird sound it made whenever you plucked a certain string. Grumbling in frustration, you huffed and ran a hand through your hair.


"What!?" Both May and Zuke shouted from other parts of the sewers.

"I- May! Where'd you put the hammer!?"

"Top right!" You chuckled and fished arounf for whatever 'top right' meant, finding the oversized hammer that May loved and continuing your work.

2 hours. 2 hours, and no goddamn progress. You were getting more and more worked up as you kept trying to find out what the hell was wrong with your instrument to no avail.

"Shit!" You growled, pounding the table with your fist, making spare parts fly everywhere. "GODDAMMIT!"

"(Y/N)! What's wrong?" May rushed in, Zuke trailing behind her as she approached you and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"I'm fine. Just... Ugh!"

"How about we go out for a walk? I'll take a look at it later, alright?" Zuke placed his hand on your other shoulder. You sighed deeply and mumbled curses under your breath all the way to the ladder outside. Realizing the sun was already setting, you kinda regretted not grabbing a jacket on your way out, some fall nights were pretty brutal. But when May and Zuke emerged from the manhole with their hoodies, you didn't feel like making them wait.

"Come on, let's go to... Natura! I hear there's a new food cart around there!" May snatched you and Zuke's hands and pulled you along excitedly.

Ah man, you couldn't express how thankful you were for these two. Your relationship just kind of... happened one day. After a bad breakup with a current NSR artist, you drank yourself silly with May and Zuke and accidentally hooked up. None of you remembered it, but whenever you thought about it, it made you snicker.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when the three of you entered Natura, May immediately spotting the rumoured food cart and dashing over to waste her wallet. You sighed for the bajillionth time today and slung an arm over Zuke, who smiled and leaned into you. May came back with her arms full of treats, handing you a donut and Zuke some french fries. You continued your walk through Natura, and the scenery made you gradually calm down and forget your frustration.

"Oh hey, a ladder! How 'bout we go watch the sunset?" You ran up to a ladder going up to the rooftop of some building, not waiting for an answer and climbing up the best you could with a half-eaten donut in your hand. Reaching the top, you took a deep breath and enjoyed the chilly breeze, May climbing up right behind you to snake her arms around your waist.

"This looks beautiful!"

"Yeah, it's too bad the lights are kinda distracting, though." Zuke chuckled.

Then Vinyl City's electricity went out.


"Zuke, you're a jinx!" You laughed. "But it looks a lot better now." You grinned and sat down, May and Zuke at your sides. You shivered when another breeze passed by you.

"Did you not bring a jacket?" May giggled.

"Nope. I'm getting in yours." You wiggled into May's hoodie, making her cackle when your head popped out next to her.


"Pff-!" Zuke snorted and scooched closer.

"Ugh, thank you guys. I needed this." You huffed.

"Come on, anything for you, we love ya!" May grinned and hugged you.

"Mhm. We're always here for you, y'know?" Zuke placed his hand over yours and placed a soft kiss on your cheek.

"Thank you. I love you too."

"Any luck?" You and May popped your heads into the workshop where Zuke was taking a look at your bass.

"Uh. Yeah. Check this out." He held up a small object between his fingers.

"Is that..?"

"May's old guitar pick! Geez, that must have been in there for a while."

"What!? Are you sure?" May panicked and took a closer look. "Oh nooo! (Y/N), I'm so sorry! I don't know how that got in there!" She cried and jumped into your arms.

"Woah! May, chill, I'm not mad or anything!"

"Ehhh I gotta make it up to you somehow! Anything! Please?" She gave you those dumb puppy dog eyes you couldn't resist. You smirked and flung her over your shoulder.

"Alright, we're off to go fuck. Thanks Zuke!" You chuckled, rushing out with a flushed May flailing around on your back.

"No problem. Have fun!"


1238 words

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