☁🤍 Rin x gn!reader

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what is it with these GODDAMN artistless masterpieces smh

yeah this oneshot is kinda inspired by the song above we love opposites
attract 💖


You stretched in your chair as you finished yet another report for class. Finishing another can of Mermaid Energy, you tossed it towards your trash can and missed and it joined the many others on the floor. You checked your watch. 2:34 am. Your roommates were definitely asleep by now, wherever they were in this giant goddamn mansion.

You sighed and grabbed another can, downing another sip and beginning to type your next report. College sucks.

"(Y/N)!" Someone with a chirpy voice knocked at your door, letting himself in and running up behind you.

"Huh? Rin? What are you doing up? Don't you need to charge?"

"I did earlier. And Dad J asked me to stay up and check on you!" You huffed and turned back to your document. Neon J was always worried about you. After a life of disappointment, it was a hard thing to get used to, and it still is.

"I'm fine. Go to bed."

"What are you writing about?" Rin ignored you, resting his arms and face on your head. You disregarded his question and kept on typing, taking occasional sips from your soda. "You type fast! What are you studying again? Wow! You've got a lot of work done! You're really smart!" He blabbed on. You still typed away at your computer, slightly more annoyed as time went on. He was lucky that he was cute.


"What the heck? How much soda did you drink?" He picked up your missed cans and tossed them into the trash.

"Like, 6. Or 7. Or 8."

"What!? You need to sleep!"

"Nah, I need to cram."

"(Y/NNN)..." He whined and tugged at your hand, your other hand still working at the keyboard. "You can finish it later!"

"But college is ass and determines the rest of my life. Low expectations." You yawned and reached for your soda, but Rin snatched it away from you. "Hey!"

"Nope! You need to sleep, (Y/N)! You're already doing good, take a break!"

"Not all hard work gets rewarded. I gotta work a little bit harder." You lazily swiped at Rin, who easily held the can a couple feet above you.

"Nope!" Rin chucked you on your bed by the front of your shirt, quickly wrapping you up in a blanket burrito. At this point, you were too tired to fight back anyways and huddled into your new prison. Rin leaped onto the bed next to you and pat your head.

"You've been working too much lately. What's going on?"


"Tell me. Please?" He gave you those dumb puppy-dog eyes, making your turn away and sigh.

"Living costs a lot of money. College stinks. I'm not good enough to do life stuff."

"Life is a gift. College is knowledge. You were put on this Earth for a reason!" Rin scooched closer to you and placed a hand on your shoulder.

"I wanna think that, but... man it's hard. It sucks that I flunked multiple times throughout my school years and my parents didn't give a shit, then suddenly I was lucky enough to get thrown into a good school and I get people who care about me. For some reason. I don't deserve all this."

"(Y/N), you worked hard for better life, didn't you? You do deserve all this. You're so incredible, and I hate seeing you deny yourself good things, y'know? College is probably going to be hard, I really wouldn't know because I've never been, but it'll be worth it when you finish. This is you last year, right? You won't have to deal with it much longer." You flushed just a little bit with every word he said, your face lowering into the blanket. You leaned over and plopped onto your side.

"Your dumb face is good at spewing words. I hate guys like you." You snorted.

"You feel better?" Rin smiled gleefully.

"A little. Thanks." You grinned, picking yourself up and leaning onto his side instead. Your heart warmed when Rin snaked his arm around you, pulling you close and resting his head on yours. He glanced down at your happy face, blushing and trying to come up with something to say.

"You... look cute." Rin stammered. Dammit, his flirting was so bad when he liked someone this much! You probably thought he was lame.

"...Thanks. You too." You yawned and cuddled closer. Rin gave you a gentle peck on your forehead and hugged you tight.

"Go to sleep. You've worked hard enough today." You grinned and started dozing off. Yet your ears picked up one last things before you passed out.

"...I love you, (Y/N)."


790 words

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