☁🥁 Zuke x gn!reader

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art above by Odistheknight on twt!


"May! Did you take my shirt again?" Zuke shouted from his closet, clothes strewn all over the floor.

"Nope! Wasn't me this time!"

I swear, whoever took my shirt is gonna-" You walked in, wearing boxers and Zuke's shirt, yawning and grumbling from all the yelling that morning.

"...go on a date with me." Zuke finished.

"Huh? What's happening..?" You yawned again, Zuke throwing all his clothes back into the closet, struggling to keep his eyes off you.

"Uh... N-Nothing. Can I have my shirt?"

"Huh..? Oh yeah! I forgot I had this. Late night with the guys. Sorry. Why does your shirt have a tiddy window?" You chuckled and pulled the shirt off, throwing it to Zuke and walking out, yelling to May about robots or something. Zuke buried his face in the shirt in embarrassment, blushing like mad while he got dressed for the day.

"Mornin' Zuke!" May greeted when Zuke trudged into the living room. He almost snorted seeing you trying to tame May's wild bedhead with difficulty.

"Ugh. Zuke, I have no idea how you do it. I'm gonna make us coffee, you do May's hair." You groaned and walk off to the kitchen. Your phone buzzed and you opened it to see Nova's contact, instantly picking up and talking so loud even May and Zuke could hear it from the living room.

"Holy shit, what did we do last night-!? What? Seriously!? Oh my god, I have the worst hangover right now. You're not joking, right? I almost hooked up with him? Hah! Thank god you drank a little less than I did." 

May couldn't stop snickering and kept messing up Zuke trying to do her hair, while Zuke nervously bit his lip. You were out drinking? With who? What if you had gotten hurt? Or worse? Who did you almost hook up with? Questions swarmed his mind and hurt his head until you screeched:

"BITCH YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP!" You threw your phone across the kitchen, hitting a wall and putting a dent in it. "Shit." You snorted.

"You've got a hangover?" Zuke asked worriedly.

"Yeah. Hurts like a bitch but it's nothing I can't handle."

"You throw up your guts every morning after you drink. Go back to bed, I'll take care of you."

"Zuke you really don't have to-" You stopped when a nauseous pang in your head and gut hit you. "Be right back!" You ran off, all set to go vomit in the bathroom. Zuke sighed and finished up May's hair, going straight to the kitchen and making and placing things on a tray for you. Hearing you stumble out of the bathroom brushing your teeth and to your room, he sighed again and wondered why you did this to yourself.

"Hey Zuke!" May tapped his shoulder, making him nearly drop the drink he was holding


"Do you have a crush on (Y/N)?"

He spit out his entire sip of tea.

"Wh-What makes you think that!?"

"Ew, dude! Gross! Anyways, It's obvious!"

"I... have no clue what you're talking about." Zuke huffed and pick up the tray, heading to your room.

"Whatever. But if you don't snatch them, they're gonna be swept up by someone else!" She shouted after him. He had a blush to his ears, cursing May for yelling. Did you hear? What if you heard? Gently pushing the door open, you turned your head towards him when he entered.

"Tea, water, bacon, meds, pain suppressants." Zuke placed the tray on your bedside counter and plopped himself down at the foot of your bed.

"Ayy thanks Zuke. You're awesome." You chuckled, downing half of the water bottle with the pills and digging into the food.

"How late were you out last night?"

"Like... 3am."

"Who were you with?"

"Nova. And Neon J. And Nadia."

"Were you safe? What happened?" Zuke asked you all the usual questions.

"I was fine. I guess I drank a little too much, because I barely remember anything." You laughed and downed some tea. "We were at that expensive pub, and I think I remember Nova accidentally pushing over the jukebox! He said we ran around the city after that."

You really appreciated Zuke taking care of you after those drinking nights. Multiple times you've went out and woken up in random places, damaged property, accidentally hurt yourself, even almost got kidnapped once, and Zuke never let you go out to drink without someone with you again.

Zuke played with his fingers nervously. At least you were being safe. But one question still nagged at him.



"Who... did you almost hook up with?"

"Oh! Hah! You heard my phone call?" You wheezed. "I don't remember it. But you know that guy? That guy who hangs around the city... Joe..? Joey! Apparently he was drinking too and we almost hooked up. Thank the good lord that Nova stopped me, holy shit." You sighed.

"Oh thank god." Zuke let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding, clutching his shirt like he had heard the best news in his life. You raised an eyebrow and grinned.

"What? You jealous?" You chuckled and sipped your tea. "Heh, I'm just kidd-"


You spit out your tea.


"I-I mean-!?" Zuke panicked. Ah shit. That reply just came out. You obviously thought of him as a friend, why did he say that!? Stupid, stupid, stupid. He liked you too much. He liked everything about you, no matter how how hectic you were. He blushed the hardest one of the day, becoming more and more uneasy by the second.

Had he ruined your friendship?

Might as well go all out.

"(Y/N), I... I like you. A lot. I'm crazy about you. You mean so much to me and I hate seeing you treat yourself badly. You might not feel the same as I do, and that's fine. W-We can just pretend this never happened and-"

"Zuke!" You grabbed his face with your hands and put your forehead to his, noticing he was about to tear up. "Calm down. You're okay."

"D-Did I just ruin us...?

"No. Or at least, I hope not," You chuckled. "Relax. I like you too. Honestly I thought you were just being really nice to me."

"I... What? Seriously? For real? I thought May would have told you already." Zuke pondered. "Wait, you like me too!?"



"Why?" You snorted. "Zuke, I don't know how you didn't notice, but I've been dropping hints like every day. You take care of me, keep my ass out of trouble, you're nice, you're funny, you're cute, what isn't there to like?" You pinched his cheek as his face couldn't get any darker.

"C-Can I kiss you?" He asked, grabbing onto your shoulders while his heart beat out of his chest. You grinned and leaned in, giving him a long peck on his lips. You smelled of tea and alcohol, but it only made Zuke more flustered, reminding him that this was real.

It ended as soon as it began, and you pulled away to see Zuke wide-eyed and mouth agape, the darkest shade of green you had ever seen on him. Oh great, you broke him. A giggle from your doorway pulled your attention away, the both of you seeing May with her phone out. Recording.

"MAY!" Zuke shouted, blushing furiously and stumbling off your bed to chase after the screaming girl. You laughed your ass off and winked at him, which he covered his mouth and rushed off to go commit arson on May's phone.


1281 words

☆💎  𝙽𝚘 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚁𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝙽𝙴𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚃𝚂  ☆🔥Where stories live. Discover now