☁💥 Tatiana x f!reader

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requested by Vyradust 🥺💕

art above by b0nebat on tumblr and twt!


soft tati gives me life


"Such a nuisance!" Tatiana slammed her fist onto the coffee table, almost making your tea fly off if you hadn't snatched it off. On TV was an interview with the infamous rock duo wreaking havoc all over the city, and that was all that was on every single news channel. They had just taken down Eve. You quickly switched off the TV and placed your hand over hers.

"Tati, sweetie-"

"This is absurd! We overwork ourselves for this city and these... these nitwits take it down in days! Don't they see how foolish this endeavor is!?" She ranted, almost ready to tear her hair out in frustration. You held your arms out, in which Tatiana instantly dove onto you and clutched you like it was the end of the world.

"This isn't what we planned for, I know."

"At this point, I must face them myself."

"No, we'll face them. EDM can't just be snuffed out like this. If they gain total control, it won't exist anymore."

You no longer played music, but you still had your old ice staff, a gift from Tatiana when you first met. Still good after all these years.

"Are you sure you want to to? I know you can handle yourself but-"

"Tati, we've fought and beat ass plenty of times. Remember Aurora? That was our greatest battle! We'll protect this city. And we'll win." You gripped her hand confidently as she furrowed her eyebrows in thought.

"...If we lose?"

"Worst case scenario, then we leave. We see if our artists will come with us. The city will crumble under their rule." You sighed. As absurd as it was, their goal was probably to replace you as Vinyl City's new order. With how far they've come with the rebellion, it was likely that they would succeed.

"We've worked too hard for this to lose it so quickly."

"I know. We won't go down without the most robust fight of our lives." You gave her a gentle peck on the cheek and ruffled her hair.

"Thank you, (Y/N). I love you."

"I love you too, dearest."

"Bunk Bed Junction will come for us tonight. I need confirmation from every one of you that you will be at your districts, ready to take over. Those generators may prevent you from doing so, however, (Y/N) will be able to solve that in time. If you have any issues at all, you must inform her." Tatiana briefed the NSR artists in her office, you standing right next to her with your tablet. Sayu raised her hand.

"No, there will not be any celebratory fireworks." You sighed. Sayu lowered her hand as Eve raised hers.

"What will become of NSR if the rebellion prevails?"

"We... have thought of that possibility. If we and our employees are thrown out of work, we may have to relocate. But that means leaving this city behind in it's eventual demise," You frowned. "We aren't sure what to do."

"These simpletons cannot take over like this! Let us fight with you!" Nova slammed his fist on the table, surprising everyone in the room.

"You do not have your districts or your instruments. There is no way." 

"There must be something we can do other than stand around!" Neon J huffed.

"We no longer have the piano, but we are just as strong. Why don't you let us come with you?" Yinu's mother asked hopefully, Yinu in her lap.

"Enough!" Tatiana ordered, making everyone shut up. You noticed the bitter look in her eyes and reached out for her hand, giving it a squeeze and continuing.

"We're sorry. We must stop this revolt ourselves. You all have sacrificed enough for us thus far, and we are truly grateful. But this is the work we must finish." Your voice faltered slightly, and it was no secret that this situation was uncertain. The room was silent.

"Thank you all for coming. I suggest you head to your districts." Tatiana sighed. After a few words of gratitude and support, just you and Tatiana were left, waiting for the inevitable duo to appear. You gazed outside. The city's lights and melodies changed in the last few days. Whether for better or for worse, everything had shifted.

"Tati, love..." You approached a disgruntled Tatiana at her desk and placed a hand on her shoulder. She reached up and placed her hand over yours. 

"We cannot lose." She muttered, clenching her fist hard. You wrapped your arms around her neck from behind and held her close. Dammit, you hated seeing her like this.

"We won't. We can't."

"Failure isn't an option. And if we do..." She trailed off for a second. "I do not want to think of that right now. What of our work? Our artists? Our employees? The city? What about us?"

"Tati!" You snapped. "We'll be okay. I promise you. We don't end right here. We'll kick major ass! Two people cannot take down an entire government. Even if we fail, we'll fight back harder. NSR is forever. We'll be okay." You turned and gripped her hands, a glint of determination in your eyes. Tatiana huffed and pulled you into a hug, finding herself calm down a bit in your arms.

"...You're right. We can do this." The two of you stayed like that for some time, simply enjoying the closeness you so craved. You were distracted by a ping on your tablet, going to reach for it and reading to alert.

"The elevator's been activated. Make the announcement." You grinned. Tatiana did just that while you made sure your staff was ready to be summoned at any point, then pressing a couple things on your screen to lift the desk into the air.  You took a deep breath and shook off your jitters.


"Always." You smiled and leaned up to give Tatiana a sweet kiss on her lips, pulling away when you heard the distant ding of the elevator.

"Here we go."


1027 words

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