☁📺 Neon J x chaotic!gn!reader

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art above by marshieeeleelaw on tumblr aka maaartiaaal



I saw a few prompts on tumblr and I just LOVE the idea of (Y/N) running wild and Neon having to keep them in check


"What? Why don't you just like... go fight them yourself? Or I could fight them?"

"(Y/N), it doesn't work like that, we've got a tour to do, and your solution to everything is knives."

"Aw..." You pouted and slouched from your position on the couch. You just didn't get why anyone in NSR wasn't helping to stop Bunk Bed Junction earlier. 1010 was probably next on their list. If you could just pay them a little visit... all this could be avoided.

"Neoooooon," You leaned onto his side. "I love youu." His heart jumped as he refused to look at you.

"Y-Your flatteries won't work on me!"

"What? You think I'm saying that because I want to use knives? I'm hurt." You sighed dramatically and took your weight off him.

"No knives. But... I-I love you too." You grinned and repeatedly kissed his screen, the both of you feeling him heat up. You stopped when you heard footsteps entering the room.

"Eloni! Whatcha doin' up?" You exclaimed.

"I don't feel like charging..."

"Really? Huh. Alright! Neon, my son and I are gonna go watch the Lion King!" You jumped up and dragged Eloni off to who knowing where, leaving Neon J on the couch fanning himself. You were stupid, but you made him feel so lovely. And you called Eloni your son!? It was like you were married! He hid his face in his hands and made a questionable noise.

"So, I believe I can trust you two on this. This rock duo is much more dangerous than I originally anticipated. Their hijacking is cowardly, however. Do what you must to stop them." Tatiana briefed you and Neon the next day in her office.

"Don't worry, I've got a few knives up my sleeve." You grinned proudly.

"You mean cards?"

"They do not." Neon sighed.

"I do not."

"Okay, well, (Y/N), don't kill them," Tatiana chuckled. "You're free to leave. I suggest you ready for tonight."

Walking out of the office, you sighed to yourself. You didn't really play any instrument, and you were more of a co-manager to 1010. All you knew was how to fight like an angry raccoon, so why not help like that?

"Do you think raccoons know how much they're little demons..?" You pondered out loud.


"Nevermind. What are we going to do tonight? We can't let a couple kids take down NSR."

☆💎  𝙽𝚘 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚁𝚘𝚊𝚍𝚜 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝙽𝙴𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚃𝚂  ☆🔥Where stories live. Discover now