☁💫 DJSS x gn!reader

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requested by janca235cz

art above by Aiscien on devart!

spaceman and biker partner? I think so


"Oi Nova, did you put my keys somewhere else?" You yelled across the house, hands digging through the basket on the counter full of your random trinkets.

"I put them on the key rack, like a normal person."

"What? I have a system!" You chuckled, snatching your keys and fiddling with them boredly. "What's taking you so long!?" You yelled up the stairs, where Nova was in the bathroom 'freshening up.' Not like he needed makeup or to do his hair, what was he even doing?

The one day he has a full weekend off, he decides to take his time. You had a plan to head out of the city for a while, go driving. Go out to eat. Stargaze. Something! You were gonna drag his ass out of the damn bathroom if he wasn't done in the next 3 minutes.


"I'm finished! You are so impatient." Your space boyfriend huffed as he raced down the stairs, wearing comfortable clothes that covered his legs for once. But it wasn't that much to be in the bathroom for a full hour?

"What were you even doing?" You grinned and rushed out of your shared penthouse, excitedly going down to the first floor while Nova stumbled after you.

"My daily preparations! I must look my best every day!"

"Why didn't you do that on the morning? And you don't even... Nevermind. I can't wait until we get out of the city. The stars are gonna be so much brighter out there!" You lived in the countryside your entire life before moving the Vinyl City, and though you loved how gorgeous and lively it was, it never beat the serenity of the empty fields.

"I could have spent today getting a little extra work done!" Nova complained as the two of you entered the VIP parking lot, where you had your bright (F/C) motorcycle parked.

"But you always work! I promise this'll be worthwhile. And besides..." You grinned up at him, putting on your helmet and tossing him his own. "You deserve a little you time."

Nova blushed lightly while you started the bike, gesturing him to get on behind you. He did just so, hugging you close as you revved up the engine and drove the hell out. His grip tightened a little bit, and you suddenly remembered he was a little uneasy with your driving. So unfortunately for you, no reckless driving tonight.

The drive through Vinyl City was nothing different, but it was always bustling and bright. The occasional screaming crowd when you passed by with Nova on your bike, the speech Nova would give only to be cut off by your speeding off, nothing special. But after the city gradually faded into small houses of the countryside, the sunset much brighter and prettier than before, you finally smiled as you childhood memories flowed back into your mind. Good times.

After maybe an hour of driving, you slowly approached a cliff in front of the ocean you used to play on. Parking and throwing your helmet off to inhale the clean air, Nova stretched and gazed out at the bright orange and velvet sunset. Okay. Maybe this was worth it.

"I'm beat! ...And hungry! You have the food, right?" You plopped yourself down on the grass, taking off your leather jacket and cooling down.

"Of course." Nova slung his bigass backpack off and onto the ground, in which you immediately dug through it to find your picnic basket and blanket.

Soon enough, the sun went down as you and Nova ate away, talking about whatever while you waited for all the stars to come out. He could make a whole conversation about nothing, and you were never bored with him. Surprisingly.

"You remember the first time we met?" You blurted out with a mouthful of sandwich. Nova stared at you in disgust before answering.

"I do. You spit coffee all over me."

"HAH! Funniest damn day of my life. It was Haym's fault he was making me laugh my ass off though. Just to be clear. I did not purposely spit coffee at you."

"Yes dearest. I know. That day sparked such a chaotic rivalry."

"That's because you're petty as hell." You chuckled and finished off your food, laying on your back until it got a little darker out.

"Ooh! Look, look!" You tugged at Nova's sleeve and pointed up, the first stars becoming visible. Definitely something you can't see in Vinyl City. Back there, the city never slept. Lights and disco and noise everywhere. Which was always fun, but the brightness outshined the stars.

"Incredible! The stars shine so brightly out here!"

"Gorgeous, right? Vinyl City is great, but it doesn't beat this!" You beamed up at Nova, who quickly flustered and looked away.

"Y-Yes! Yes, it is," Nova fiddled with his fingers before turning back to you. "But.... It's nothing in comparison to you..." You flushed. You felt like all the blood rushed to your face and you were ready to pass out. Why. Why is he so cute.

"Ha- Hahaha! You... I... Wow. Smooth." You grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of your head, cuddling up and snaking your arms around his.

So you sat. The two of you. Just a giant blushy mess staring up at the vast night sky.

Who knew how long you sat together. And it was bliss. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, and you were both growing weary by the second.

"Oh man, what time is it? We better get going." You yawned and stretched, letting go of Nova for the first time in a couple hours. He disappointingly got up with you, packing your things and getting ready to leave.

While revving up your motorcycle, he hugged you tighter than on the way here, like it was the last time he would ever hug you again.

"Babe. I can't breathe."



You sighed and chuckled, knowing how clingy he gets when he was tired.

He never loosened his grip until you got home, in which you basically had to drag him inside and throw him onto the bed. Where he wouldn't let you go either.

"Babe," You sighed as his arms were wrapped around your torso and head resting on your tummy. "I wanna take a shower."

But he was already asleep, and he had an iron grip around you. Looking down and watching him sleep, you couldn't help but smile. You two, an unlikely pair, somehow ended up like this. You loved this dumbass so much.

Yeah, the shower could wait.


1111 words

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