Chapter 1

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Rachel POV

I felt the hot tears start to roll down my face and the familiar burn rises in my throat as I thought of him again. Cheating bastard! I hated myself for missing him and questioning if I was doing the right thing. As if he can read my mind his name comes up on the caller ID on my phone as I continue to drive.

My heart beats quicker and I feel my hand go to answer it before my mind can stop it. I hold my breath as the music stops and his voice comes on the speaker in the car.

"Hey, where are you? Sugar I'm sorry ok? Just forgive me and I'll make it up to you. I promise." His words fill the tiny space in my car and I feel my heart longing to be in his warm touch again. Then flashes of her and him run through my head and I feel the sob leave my throat.

"Sugar, don't cry. I'll come get you just tell me where you are." He tries to coax me into telling him what is going on. I hadn't seen him in a week and he had no clue where I was or what I was doing.

"Come on, I love you. Please she meant nothing. You and I can fix this. I know you are my soulmate, and I am so sorry." His voice sounds desperate through the phone, but something in my mind says not to believe the emotion in his voice.

"I have to go." I choke out as I continue to sob. I pull my car on the side of the highway. I try to calm down and see through my eyes that are filled with tears.

"Sugar come on, let me in. I promise I will never hurt you again. It was a one time thing and I will make it up to you. You were so busy with work and I was lonely." He tells me and my grief turns to anger in a split second.

The rage fills my lungs as I scream, "You were lonely? I was fucking always at home waiting for you. You were the one that was out. I worked from home so I could make you happy, but you cheated on me!" My chest was heaving as I gasps for oxygen to replace what I just yelled out at my ex.

"Now, you know to not talk to me like that. I said I was sorry. You need to get over it and come home now." He says as his voice fills with disappointment and slight anger at my outburst.

"I can't." I say simply and hang up. I feel my chest constrict as I sob and sob and sob for everything that has happened. For the life I had planned with this man to the fact that I was running away from my home and family for a new start. For the love I still had for him and how pathetic that made me feel. For all the time and energy, I had put into this man and our relationship. For everything that will never happen now.

I only stopped when I had no more tears left to cry. I sat there and rocked back and forth trying to soothe myself. My life was sitting in this car and moving attachment. I was so lonely.

I heard a knock on my passenger side window. I look up with my tear stained face and see a police officer standing at my window motioning me to roll it down. I press the button and look up at him. He was in his fifties with a big belly and large mustache.

"Ma'am is everything ok? You're on the side of the highway do you need any car help?" He asks me kindly as he takes in my face and soaking wet shirt. I look down and feel tears well up again.

"No Sir, I'm sorry I started crying and pulled over so I wouldn't hurt anyone. I can get moving." I tell him quickly rubbing my face.

"It's ok. Are you ok to drive? You can take all the time you need." He tells me with a small smile. I look at the clock and see that I need to get going if I am going to meet with my new landlord soon.

"I do need to get going I have to meet someone to get the keys to my new place. Thank you so much for checking on me." I tell him honestly. He smiles at me.

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