Chapter 11

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Tyler POV

"We can go whenever you want to." She tells me and I smile. I couldn't believe this girl that seemed so hesitant and innocent at first was this kinky. The list she gave the girls was impressive and I wondered how she used everything. What sound she made when the paddle hit her ass?

"We can go after breakfast." I tell her. She eats quickly and the rest of the table finishes in silence. Her friends were something else, but they obviously wanted to make sure her needs and wants were met in her next partner. They were protective of her but also proactive in helping her.

"We are going to head out. We will call you later." Reed tells her as she hugs him and Tommy.

"Bye, thank you for coming." She tells them. "Thank you, April and Jessica, for letting us crash here." She says turning and hugging them.

"Of course, anytime. Next time we will make sure the boys don't crash." April tells her laughing.

She turns to me and asks, "Ready to head out?" I nod and look at Julian. He nods and holds a handout for her. She takes it and we head to Julian's SUV.

"So, you are quiet." She observes about Julian. He looks at her and smiles.

"I'm just shocked honestly baby. Not what I thought you would be into." He says and she frowns.

"Is that bad?" She asks quietly. This idiot better not say yes. I eye him from the seat in the back and he meets my gaze in the rearview mirror.

"No, I've just never done those things. I mean I've spanked people in sex but nothing more than that." I roll my eyes at him. Her eyes go wide at this.

"Really? Not even tying her up?" She asks incredulously.

"Nope. But I'm interested in learning about what you like." He tells her and places a hand on her thigh.

"I like most things to be honest." She says and looks back at me. "What about you?"

I smirk at her, "I have done some of what you like, other things I didn't have a partner that wanted to do those things so no, but very willing to push you to your limits." Her smile widens at my words.

"Tell me darling. Are you the submissive or dominant?" I ask her curiously. She smiles like the Cheshire Cat.

"Both, mainly submissive." She tells me and turns to Julian who looks a little confused. "Don't worry I like regular sex too." She tells him giggling. I laugh. God she was full of surprises.

We pull up to Julian's house and head inside. We sit on the sectional in the living room and she looks at us expectantly.

"So what do we need to discuss?" She asks. Well getting right to the point aren't we.

"For starters we need to discuss how you would like to handle being mated to both of us." I tell her. "Do you want to tell everyone that we are both dating you casually, or exclusively? Or we pretend one of us is not dating you, if you want."

"Well, you're my boss, will I get in trouble if I date both of you? I don't particularly want to choose one of you over the other and I feel like it is unfair to ask one person to hide our relationship." She says thoughtfully.

"I don't think any of the wolves in town would care, especially since you would be Luna to both packs, but the human's might. But there are more wolves so it wouldn't be a problem of finding people to support you and us." I explain to her.

"My pack would always treat you with respect. They would also not let anyone disrespect you either." Julian tells her.

She nods and then says, "Then I'm in a committed relationship with both of you publicly."

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