Chapter 17

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Rachel POV

"Ok, I will run and sign my paperwork and then I will meet you at the café." I say as I rush to get ready. The school had called and needed me to sign more paperwork and of course it was the day the other Alpha was showing up.

"Baby relax. You have plenty of time to get everything done and meet us there." Julian says as he takes my shoulders and makes me face him. "Even if you come late it is not a big deal. He is more worried about finding his mate than our Luna showing up late." I nod and continue to flit around the room getting ready.

"Here sweetheart I made you a coffee." Tyler says as he walks in and stops as he sees my manic pace. "Are you ok?" He asks me. The concern and confusion evident in his eyes.

"I'm just nervous and hate that I have to leave to go to school and meet you there. I would much rather be with you both the entire time. I am also tired from the bonfire last night and just really anxious." I babble as I pull my pants on.

He walks over and hands me the coffee. "Take a deep breath. I can hear your heart beating a mile a minute right now. Do you want me to take you to school?" He asks me.

I shake my head no. "No, you need to be there to greet him." I say. I really wish the boys would go with me. I was independent but since meeting them I hated being apart from them, even for a few hours. I was not ready for work to really start.

"Why don't you get going, you should have plenty of time." Julian says. I nod and take my coffee with me as I head out to the driveway. Julian pulls me to a stop and makes me face him before giving me a sweet kiss. "Be safe baby. I will see you soon."

I smile up at him as my chest fills with happiness. I feel Tyler's hand rest on my lower back. I turn to face him and he gives me a gentle kiss. "See you soon darling." He says as he pulls away.

I smile at him and then Julian, before saying, "Bye boys, I will meet you at the Café." I wave as I pull out of the driveway and they stand there and smile after me. My mates were the cutest sometimes.

I get to school and sign all of the paperwork I needed to as quickly as I could. I leave and head to the Café. I pull up and see a SUV that looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. I walk up to the door and Tom opens it for me.

"Morning Luna Rachel. I hope you had a fun night last night meeting the packs. I enjoyed seeing you so happy with your mates." He says to me.

I smile brightly at him and say, "Thank you Tom. I appreciate that. Is the other Alpha here?" I ask curiously.

"Yes, he is a piece of work that one." He grumbles as he gestures over his shoulder.

"Luna, the Alpha's have your order." Becky says as she puts a hand on my arm.

"Thank you, Becky." I say sweetly but before I can turn to my mates, I notice a man that again looked familiar sitting by the dessert cabinet. I look at him but couldn't place him. I stare at him and Becky and Tom follow my gaze.

"That's one of his wolves." Tom explains. I nod and shake off the weird feeling I had. I know I had seen that man before but I didn't know where or when.

I turn to face my mates and see they are watching me with warm smiles. I walk up and they stand and give me a kiss on the cheek as they let me sit between them in our booth. It shouldn't of been a tight fit but both of them pressed into me so that our bodies were touching as much as possible.

"Here is your drink baby. Alpha Alexander went to the bathroom. He will be back in a second." Julian says as he wraps an arm around my shoulder.

I sip my drink and bask in the warm from both of my mates as they relax with me beside them. I set my drink down and wait for the other Alpha to get here.

Out of nowhere I hear the one voice that could make my stomach drop. "There you are Sugar. I've been looking for you." The drawl was undeniable. That voice haunted me in my dreams and the man it belonged to walked up to our booth.

His green eyes narrowed at my mates as he noticed how much contact we were currently making. He looked exhausted and disheveled. "Take your filthy paws off my mate now. Sugar come here." He growls at them.

Both men beside me growl and tense up as they move even closer to me. "Sugar, you need to get over here. My wolf is barely contained right now and I will kill them." I almost whimper. This can't be happening.

"Don't you even dare talk to her. She is not yours; she is ours." Tyler growls at him. I look up at him and his eyes soften when they meet mine.

"She has been mine for years. She will always be mine. Sugar come here now." He growls back. The fury in his green eyes was unlike anything I had ever seen. They practically glowed with anger.

"Everyone just calm down a second. Alexander are you saying Rachel is your mate that ran away?" Julian asks him. His grip in my shoulder told me he was not as calm as he sounded.

"She ran away, yes. She is my chosen mate." He says as he takes a step closer to the booth and I huddle into Tyler who was farthest from Xander.

"What do you mean chosen mate?" Tyler asks as he wraps a reassuring arm around my waist allowing me to almost move to his lap.

"I mean I have chosen her as my mate." Alexander tells him. I look at him in disgust and so do both of my mates.

"You can't choose your mate. Even if you did, you cheated on her, hurt her, and she doesn't choose you." Julian tells him.

Xander walks over and sits across from us and I sink back into the booth as much as I can. I can't believe he is here. I can't believe he is a wolf, much less an alpha.

"She is who I want." He says to them but is looking at me. Once upon a time those eyes, those words would have been enough but now that I have my mates, they did nothing for me.

"What about her?" I ask with venom in my voice that I never had before. He looked shocked by my tone but nodded his head.

"She is my mate chosen by the Goddess, but I don't want her. I have rejected her for you. Sugar I want you back. Just come home sweet pea." He tells me.

"How could you do that?" Julian asks him. "Rejecting your mate because you want to? That's horrible." Xander ignores Julian and continues to pleadingly stare at me.

"I have mates and they aren't you. I won't go back to you." I say to him. His eyes fill with sadness and anger.

"You will Sugar. You will." He says before standing up and leaving. I watch five men follow him out. All of them I now recognize from over the years of dating Xander. They were always present but never in my full line of vision. 

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