Chapter 3

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Rachel POV

He had walked back in and asked me if I needed help with the bedsheet. Honestly, I did. I was struggling really bad with it. He looked at me and I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He shook his head and went over to the opposite side of the bed and helped me get the sheet on the bed in a flash.

I turned back to the box and pulled out the pillows and comforter. He helps me lay them on the bed and make the bed. I really enjoyed having him help me. We didn't have to talk it was just so comfortable being around him. Even if I didn't know him, I felt like I had this connection to him.

"What else can I help you with?" He asks me from across the bed. Honestly, I want to ask him to just lay in bed with me and watch TV, but I wasn't going to say that out loud.

"I have some stuff in the kitchen to unbox and I could use your height to put some things away. I was going to make stir fry for dinner if you wanted any." I tell him. He has the biggest smile on his face and he nods and holds a hand out for me to lead the way.

We quickly open boxes and I tell him where I was wanting to put things. He helps me without complaint. "So, why did you move here?" He asks me curiously as I hand him glasses to put on the top shelf.

"Well, I got the Social Studies position and the girls varsity basketball coach position. So I moved here from St. Louis." I tell him. He looks down at me and smiles.

"So, you're the young coaching prodigy the school is boasting about snagging." He says amused. I roll my eyes at the allegation. Sure I was a great coach but prodigy come on.

"Whatever, they are just happy to have a teacher." I say as I laugh. "I am a skills-based coach. There is no special trick. I simply develop their skills and make sure they are conditioned better than any team in the state." I say simply and his blue eyes pierce me with a strong stare.

"That's not what I hear." I raise an eyebrow at his claim. "I hear that you have turned around several programs and have been coaching longer than anyone would assume looking at you." He finishes and he is not wrong.

"You're not wrong but it's not as impressive as you think it is." I say to him.

He laughs and shakes his head at me. "I bet you're a pretty impressive coach." He says and I swoon at his words. My ex never liked that I coached. It took up too much of my time and energy according to him.

"You think so?" I ask intrigued that another guy might actually not look at it as a bad thing.

"Of course. Sports are huge here. I go to all of the sporting events even the girls ones. I think it's awesome that you're a coach. I can't wait to see you coach in the fall." He says smiling at me. He finishes putting the last glass on the shelf for me and we have one box left with utensils and cutting boards.

It takes us two minutes to put up the last box. He turns to me with a satisfied look on his face. "Well, that was the last one. What else can I help you with?" His blue eyes are full of amusement and I just want to reach up and kiss his lips for some reason. My body keeps trying to get me to touch him, but I can't.

"Hmmm, I think I can make us some dinner if you want to stick around?" I ask him. He smiles at me and I pull out the stir fry ingredients. He pulls out the cutting board and some bowls and utensils for me.

"How do you want me to cut the veggies?" He asks me as I continue to wash them.

"However you think. I'm not picky." I tell him. As I wrinkle my nose at him. He laughs and pulls out his phone.

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