Chapter 5

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Tyler POV

I pull into the gym lot about 45 minutes before the boys practice. I know the new coach is here today and I was interested in seeing her coach.

I get out and the first thing I notice is she is blaring music in the gym. My boys are all standing at the entrance talking to each other. That was unusual.

"What's up Coach?" John asks as I walk up.

"Nothing, what's going on?" I ask him.

"We were just watching. The new coach is amazing. She is so hot too." Billy says practically drooling as he talks.

I raise an eyebrow at them. Boys and their stupid high school crushes. I walk past them and I hear the squeaking of sneakers and girls cheering as High Hopes plays on the sound system. I stand on the edge and watch the drill play out. It was one of my favorites called 11 man. It worked on break away plays of 3 vs 2.

"Ball!" I hear an unfamiliar voice yell. I locate the newcomer and see her run on the court and curl when catching the ball. She brings it up the floor at a steady pace. She does a hesitation move and the first defender falls for it and she blows past them. The second defender engages and she spins on them and passes the ball to Hannah who cut to the basket.

Hannah scores and high fives the newcomer and they become the next two defenders. While waiting she directs two other players on how to do a move. The offense comes back towards them and she intercepts a pass but it flies out of bounds towards me. I catch it and she jogs up to me.

I throw the ball to her and she passes it off. She turns and faces me fully and my world stops. She was beautiful. Her face was red from running and her eyes glowed brightly with a green and brown color. She was in tight fitted yoga pants and a tank top. Her hair was braided back but had little wisps that framed her face. She smiles at me and I felt it. The mate bond. She was my mate.

She walks over and breathing hard holds out a hand to me. "Hi, I'm Rachel." She says.

"Hi, Tyler." I say still reeling from finding my mate. I reach out and the second our skin touches I feel sparks shoot up my body. I can tell she does too as she looks up at me and shivers.

"Nice to meet you." She says and looks back at the court.

"You too. I'm excited to have you here." I say and it was true. I was excited.

She turns back and smiles at me and my breath leaves my lungs. "Do you mind if I play some more then talk to you when they are running?" She asks me pointing to the court. I shake my head no. She grins and runs back into the drill. She stands in line and I see her talking to each girl giving them tips.

Taylor Swift's The Man comes on and all the girls squeal. "This one's for you coach." Monica giggles to her. She laughs and it was so beautiful and carefree. I notice her singing along with the girls and it was melting my heart.

She gets back in and I am amazed at how she moves. She was so predatory as a player. She stayed low and adjusted speed really well. She wasn't fast at all but used burst of speed to gain advantages. You could practically see the wheels moving in her head as she was twenty moves ahead of the girls. She easily scores and goes to another line to talk with more girls.

She fist bumps and high fives everyone. Several of the girls are singing and swaying to the music and she joins them and I laugh at how informal she is with them. She honestly just wanted to play. Animals by Maroon 5 comes on and all of my boys that are now lining the wall behind me snicker. It was a funny song for wolves since we typically stalk our prey and mates.

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