Chapter 6

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Rachel POV

I rush out of the gym and head to my car. I drive home quickly as my emotions swirl around. Julian can't be using me to cheat on anyone can he? He knows my story from the call and knows how I feel about it. He wouldn't do that to. Right?

Then there is Tyler. I felt so much chemistry and sparks between us just like with Julian. I enjoyed coaching with Tyler. I liked when he held my hand. The way he smiled at me and challenged me intellectually was really hot. The feel of his body behind me when I boxed him out was amazing. The way he had worried about me when we fell made my heart swell in happiness. I mean the guy was gorgeous like Julian. He was tall, very athletically built. Had dark brown hair and beautiful chocolate brown eyes. He had the perfect smile and seemed serious all the time except with me.

I am so confused. I pull into the driveway and notice a woman on my porch with a tray. She was a plump short woman was blonde shoulder length hair that had an 80's feel to it. I get out of the car and she squeals in delight.

"Helloooooooo!" she says in a singsong voice. "I'm Mirabelle, Tom's wife. I wanted to introduce myself and see how you are settling." She tells me as I walk up.

I give her a fake smile and she rushes over and pulls me into a hug. "You are just the cutest little thing. The boys all over town will be lining up at this door asking you on a date." She says and looks me up and down.

I chuckle awkwardly. "Thank you. It's nice to meet you Mirabelle. I'm Rachel. Would you like to come in for a minute?" I ask her.

"Yes, I brought you a tray of cookies." She says holding up the tray. I open the door and we both walk in.

"How was your first practice?" She asks me as she sets the cookies on the kitchen counter.

"It was good. I took a tumble and ran Tyler over. Poor guy hit his head on the floor. I feel real bad about it." I say and she chuckles at it.

"Tyler can handle himself. He is a bit of a sourpuss most of the time." She tells me. I could see how he was like that sometimes with the boys but whenever he looked or talked to me it was with nothing but warmth, so I don't fully believe her words.

"I heard that you had a breakfast date this morning how was that?" She asks me and I realize she must be a town gossip.

"It was nice. Julian is a gentleman." I say and then think, so I thought. An idea sparks in my head and I ask her, "I heard he is actually dating some girl named Madison, is that true? I really don't want to start any drama." I add at the end.

"Oh honey, he dated her for years because the girl wouldn't leave him alone. He never truly loved her. He broke up with her when you came to town. Now Madison likes drama and will probably be mean to you and say you stole her man but Julian wants nothing to do with that girl." She tells me reassuringly. I nod and smile. Well that was good to hear. "In fact he was a pretty big crush on you from what I hear. He has been running all over town today getting stuff for a dinner for you. Isn't that sweet." She tells me.

I laugh, it was sweet of him. "What is Tyler's deal?" I ask her curious about my other mystery hottie.

"Well, he isn't seeing anyone if that's what you're wondering. He is a good guy just very serious and sometimes off putting. He spends all his time at the school working" She tells me watching me closely. I nod and give nothing away.

"Well Mirabelle, it was nice visiting with you, we should do it again soon, but I have a date to get ready for." I tell her and she squeals in delight.

"Yes, get all pretty for Julian. I understand. Have a great night. I'll pop over soon." She tells me.

I walk her out and wave goodbye to her as she walks home. I close the door and sigh. Well at least I know the truth about Julian and Madison.

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